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Mediocrity At It's Finest
These are just random snippets from my mind... enjoy.
NetStar Chronology - Chapter 9
Eddie figure that he should just smile upon Pink's change in personality. He had always felt she was beautiful, plus he actually liked the verbal abuse, at times. Well, not so much the abuse, but the attention in general. As they ran up the stairs, all he could think about was the warmth of her hand touching his, and the scene that had happened only moments before.

Pink had only a few things on her mind, one of them was to make Eddie feel as good as possible. She knew that he was hurting from the loss of his brother, and so was she, but she wanted to make ammends for all the mean things she'd done to him.

As they hastened closer to the top, they came upon a door.

"Well, here we are." Pink told Eddie.

"I've never been this high in the tower." Eddie responded. "Are you sure I should be up here?"

"I think it'll be okay, as long as you're with your designated Captain."

Pink knocked on the door.

"Come in." A broad male voice said from the other side.

Pink opened up the door to a very large room. There were four chairs, a large desk, a huge swivel chair, and a wall sized monitor. In the chair was a powerful looking man who looked about twenty five, and who was about a head and a half taller than the average Cyberhuman. He had blonde hair and firey red irises. He wore a thick dark red wind breaker, baggy dark red pants, black gloves, black boots, a dark red cap with a black visor, goggles around his neck, and a double barreled jetpack. The man had been examining some papers.

"Admiral Daisaku, greetings." Pink bowed her head, respectfully.

"Ah, Captain Pink." Daisaku acknowledged her. "And he must be one of your Lieutenants, right?"

"I am Lieutenant Eddie, Daisaku sir." Eddie said nervously.

"Certain complications have risen, and he is my only Lieutenant, now." Pink looked directly at Daisaku.

"Well, it's always a shame to lose a valued member of The Empire." Daisaku frowned, slightly detached. "But, I'm sure this isn't the only news you have for me."

"Not at all. Eddie was able to salvage and translate some old text he found from a Skull's body."

"Oh, intriguing." Daisaku's frown turned into a small smile. "Might I see this text?"

"Here, sir." Pink passed him the paper.

Daisaku examined the paper for a moment.

"Oh my." Daisaku blinked. "Oh... this is simply amazing. Lieutenant Eddie! You are perhaps the most competent person currently in The Empire, aside from myself."

"Well, without the teachings of Captain Pink, I wouldn't have had the discipline to translate that text." Eddie said modestly.

"It seems I'm in the presence of greatness." Daisaku grinned. "I'll give the order to look for those Gems, post haste. Eddie, you are dismissed; but there is something I'd like to discuss with your Captain."

"Sir!" Eddie saluted, then walked out of the room.

"Yes, Admiral?" Pink asked.

"I want to discuss the Gaiesha phase of our Skull Elimination Project. I noticed all the ones which were planted had been erradicated."

"Yeah." Pink scowled, assuming the worst was about to happen. "I realize these results are less than desirable, sir."

"Don't let it bother you." Daisaku smiled again. "It was Supreme's plan, anyway. He's not a very good tactitian."

"But, I can't say it was all bad." Pink gave a relieved smile. "While it didn't yield the results that were intended, there was a little something that I noticed. It gave us a better outlook on the weapons the Skulls used, first off. They mainly use heavy weapons, like shotguns and cannons."

"It would seem they have changed their preferences again. Thank you. Any other information?"

"Secondly, the Skulls have somehow adopted the technique of our Ghost units; that is, the Backup technique. It is what did in my other Lieutenant, George."

"Damn." Daisaku frowned. "That technique coupled with their power makes them even more dangerous."

"But, there is good news. Do you remember that group that James told you about in his most recent report?"

"Yeah, I do. They don't seem like much of a threat." Daisaku's expression returned to normal. "What about them?"

"Their leader, Miyamoto Green, is a very intriguing Cyberhuman." Pink beamed. "Although Generic, he posesses a very rare mech. It appears to have developed a symbiotic relationship, because when I went to visit his house, there was no sign of it."

"What proof do you have of its existance, then?"

"James saw a strange machine connected to his arms and back as Miyamoto faught a Gaiesha. It proved to be quite devastating."

"Perhaps I should see for myself what this Miyamoto Green is capable of!" Daisaku smiled. "If he's as good as James said he was, then I might like to assimilate him into our Empire."

"One of Vincent's Ghosts tried that, and so did I." Pink frowned slightly. "He's hell bent on seeing our downfall."

"I'm sure that, given the right incentive, he'll cooperate just fine. Besides, who else am I going to assign the fourth Gem to?"

"You've got a point, sir."

"Oh, while I'm out, can you and Eddie try and find more information on the Gems?"

"Sure!" Pink nodded.

"You seem very enthusiastic about that Green joining us." Daisaku sighed. "It's about time I did something to make you happy."

"Aw, Daisaku..." Pink gave a shy smile. "You make me happy anyway. You certainly treat me better than the other Captains."

"I thought you hadn't noticed." Daisaku chuckled. "Now, I'll be off now. I trust you'll work to your full capacity on this project."

"You have my word, sir."

"Good luck, Captain. You are dismissed."

"Yes, sir."

Pink left the room.

What an interesting development. Daisaku thought. If that Lieutenant could really translate the Archonian language, that makes me wonder if he's got some latent potential.

Daisaku stood up, and opened the window. He jumped out, arms spread, then his jetpack kicked in and he rocketted off.

Luck would have it that Green was a few miles away from his house, on a walk. Yellow was angry at him for letting Pink into their house, so he just figured that she needed some space for a while. He noticed an object flying through the sky, which circled around for a moment, then slowly descended. Daisaku touched down near Green.

"Hello, there." Daisaku greeted.

"Um, hi." Green blinked. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"I'm looking for somebody named Miyamoto Green."

"Look no further. What do you need?"

"I need confirmation of your power. I heard you are the leader of a growing group. You saved a lot of innocent people from those Gaiesha."

"How did you know about that?" Green became suspicious.

"Word travels quickly on Iota. Especially heroic deeds."

"Okay." He became more calm. "So, what do you mean by a confirmation of my power?"

"I merely wish to practice with you." Daisaku took defense. "To see if you are a worthy leader."

"All right, man." Green narrowed his eyebrows. "I don't know what you want to prove, but I am not going to fight you."

"That's quite a shame." Daisaku frowned. "I was hoping we could start off on a different foot. Let's try this again. You are Miyamoto Green, leader of an up and coming group who fights for the future of Iota. And I am Admiral Daisaku, leader of a group who wishes to change the future of Iota."

"What?" Green stared. "You are Admiral Daisaku?"

"Captain Pink told me all about you, so I just had to meet you." Daisaku grinned. "Maybe now you'd like to show me what you've got?"

"I don't really have a choice, now do I?" Green drew his wakazashi.

"You always have a choice. But you have made the better one. Come at me with all you've got!"

Green took a quick and powerful swipe at Daisaku, who jumped back, then kicked Green back. Green did a backflip, and landed on his feet. Daisaku was already charging at him with the jetpack.

"What?" Green was surprised.

Thinking quickly, he jumped up, and threw three bursts of Forest at Daisaku. They all hit, but Daisaku was barely affected. Daisaku landed on his feet, and spun around to look at Green.

"Why can't I damage any of you?" Green seemed discouraged.

"Because you are still a Generic." Daisaku told him. "But, you are a Generic with potential!"

Daisaku flew into the air, then extended both hands out. A beam of flames shot out, and Green was barely able to dodge.

Just my luck. Green thought. He's freakin' Fire!

Green focused energy into his free hand, and ran under Daisaku, avoiding more fire beams. Daisaku landed again, then shot large ball of Fire energy. Green called out, and smashed the ball with his charged hand, just as he released the energy. The ball converted into Forest energy, and rocketted back at Daisaku; who only had time to put his guard up. The impact caused an explosion, which made Daisaku step back.

"Impressive!" Daisaku grinned. "Yet, I can't help but wonder if you're hiding something!"

"You want it?" Green sheathed his wakazashi and ran at him. "Seven Force!!"

The mech reconnected with Green's body, and he started floating at his foe. He swung with his right, then his left. Both hits connected, and Daisaku was sat down. He sprang up, and gave Green a powerful hook, which made him float back.

"Yes." Daisaku smiled. "This is a considerable change."

Green channeled Seven Force's power into a katar, and it glew. Daisaku jetted foreward again, and Green swung the charged weapon. A wave of Light shot out and knocked Daisaku back.

"You asked for it." Green told him.

"Fool, I haven't even begun to show you my power!" Daisaku laughed.

They both took to the skies, and began a melee battle. Each hit they executed knocked the other back, and they continued clashing like that. After a while, they paused.

"Yes." Daisaku smiled. "This is all that I needed. Spiral Heading!!"

Daisaku spun around like a twister, and shot right at Green with blinding speed. Green was knocked unconscious by the powerful blow, and was sent to the ground. Seven Force automatically retracted itself, and Daisaku landed.

"With proper training, you'll be a great Captain." Daisaku muttered. "We'll work on your natural abilities first, though. Can't have you relying on that machine all the time."

Daisaku scrawled a quick note, left it on the ground, then blasted off.

Nearby, Red, Blue, and Yellow were searching for Green. Yellow was the first to notice the note. She picked it up, read it, then she stared in horror.

"Guys..." Yellow spoke. "I think I know what happened to him."

Red and Blue ran over. Blue snatched the note from her.

"Let's see. 'Your leader belongs to The Empire, now. Do not get in our way.' That little traitor!" Blue crumpled the note. "Wait until I get my hands on him!"

"I don't think that's the case, Yamato." Red looked at him. "My jewel is reacting to a charge of Fire in the air. Plus, the ground shows signs of a battle. Miyamoto didn't go with him willingly."

"But, in either case, we're without a leader." Yellow frowned. "Darn it... if I hadn't gotten so angry at him, he wouldn't have left..."

"Charlotte, now's not the time to be blaming yourself." Blue told her. "The Empire is after something. Daisaku wouldn't have done something this drastic, otherwise."

"But Athena said..." Red started.

"She could have been lying!" Blue interrupted. "This was just a trap! And I bet that witch is behind it, too."

"I'll be the leader!" Red claimed. "I'm confident that I..."

"No." Blue shook his head. "If anyone should be the leader, it should be Charlotte. Our skills are needed in the field, and she's the most intelligent one among us."

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" Yellow grumbled. "Fine. Our first course of action is to find out what they are after."

"Wouldn't the first course of action be to try to get Miyamoto back on our side?" Red shrugged.

"No." Blue shook his head. "That would turn this entire situation into a tug of war, and that would get us nowhere."

"But... we can't just aimlessly walk around." Red whined.

"That's what the news is for." Yellow told the both of them. "Miyamoto's and my creator gave us a subscription for the first year."

"How wonderfully convenient." Blue rolled his eyes.

"How's that going to help?" Red asked.

"You can't be that dense, Terra." Blue stared at her. "If The Empire is doing anything suspicious, then the news is sure to cover it."

"Oh." Red nodded, then frowned. "You didn't have to be so rude about it."

"But this plan is far from fool proof." Yellow continued. "They could change their location as we find out where they are. It is up to us to decide where we will go next, and if we get lucky, we might run into them."

"That doesn't give us much to go on." Red sighed.

"We really don't have much of a choice. From here on out, we're without any leads. It's up to us to find them ourselves."

"So, are we just going to sit here while The Empire does who knows what?"

"I could ask one of you to patrol the general area. Just to see if anything's up."

"This would be a lot easier if Miyamoto were here." Red frowned.

"We wouldn't be going through this, if Miyamoto were here." Blue scowled, then looked at Yellow. "So, which one of us will stay, and which one will go?"

"I think Terra should go." Yellow smiled.

"Any special reason?" Red raised an eyebrow.

"If you must know, I chose you because I figured you'd be anxious for a fight, especially after what's happened."

"You read me like a book." She chuckled. "All right, I won't let you down!"

"And if you get into trouble, you know my communicator frequency."


Red ran off, to patrol.

"That wasn't the real reason why you sent her." Blue raised an eyebrow.

"What? I just want to spend a little more time to talk with you, that's all. I'm afraid our time is limited, though, what with my brother's capture."

"That really sucks. Daisaku came in and swept him up right under our noses."

"Nothing to do now, but to go back to the house." Yellow sighed.

The two of them walked back to their house, to wait for Red to finish her patrol.

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Renton Noah
    Community Member

    Mon Nov 12, 2007 @ 07:29pm

    Daisaku didn't look like I expected him to looked, older but is good because that means he is actually really powerul at younger age or is very old but somehow has keep his youth. For the fight I though he was a little annoying with the jetpack sense you can't get to him. And I like see how Miyamoto looks with the Seven Force on

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