ARRRRGGGGHHH. [Ranty journal of doom]
I hate my stupid alarm clock! >< I forgot to set it yesterday, and because of it, I miss yet another ******** day of school. Did you know I really wanted to go today, too? Now, the homework from a 4-day weekend is going to be squeezed into next monday. Perfect...Just wonderful.
Dom is an idiot...I'm his alarm clock nearly everyday, and so he used me as the scape goat to him sleeping in! Now my mom is totally pissed at us. Isn't that just ********?
Oh yeah, did you know my baptisim is next week? Sounds like a good thing, right?! WRONG. My moronic self consumed a**-hole of a father is going to ruin it...He has to be at the church by 11, and get this, he wants to work from 5am- 10am that day. He works in Tomsriver. My church is in Waretown. You do the math.
Not too mention that he took off 2 DAYS for my cousins baptism last week, but not even 1 for mine. -_- I guess I was getting stupid complacent...He'd rather be at work or with his family throughout my childhood, what made me think that one day would be any different?
You know what? I hope my 'father' misses it. Then I could rub it in...So he finally realizes what a horrible father...no, husband...No! Man he is. And his family will be there to see how much actual attention he pays to his kids.
Life sucks. I write about good things later...I'm just really pissed right now...