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From Quizilla again! =D
Maybe I'm growing an obsession?

Single or Taken: Takeennnn heart heart

Siblings surprised lder brother, older sister

Eye color: broowwnnn

Shoe size: uhm...6? 7?

Height: 5' pr 5'1 >_<;;; *shorty*

What are you wearing right now?: mah PJ's XP


Kind of pants: jeans :3 [best tight and dark]

Number: ...6? 9? 19? ...4??

animal: KITSUNE!!! <333333333333 [FOX!]

Drink(non alcoholic): uhm....Iced Tea. Lemon, herbal, or green tea &3

Drink(ALCOHOLIC): eww, none!

Sport: ..volleyball? wish i could do archery, too o_o....o_e;;;

Month: April, May, June

Juice: .....TEA?

Favorite cartoon/anime character: TOSHIRO??? *luuuuffff hiiimmm* OR MOMO! heart

Have You Ever...

Given anyone a bath: li'l kids....nieces, maybe my nephew?

Bungee Jumped?: No, but I want to!! =DDD

Made yourself throw-up?: I don't like throw-up. Besides it's hard to hide somethin' like that from everyone. And....ew o_e;;;

Gone skinny dipping?: No O_o;;;

Eaten a dog?: NO NEVER T-T

Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Yeppers. </3

Broken a bone?: XD Nahh

Played truth or dare?: chyaa rolleyes

Been on a plane?: Nope ^^;

Came close to dying?: ...No?........Yes?....

Been in a sauna?: No, but again, I want to :3

been in a hotub?: Yesssssss ^^

Fallen asleep in school?: I know better than that....I don't sleep easily. But that one time in homeroom I wasn't fully concious but still, not asleep either

Broken someone's heart?: ...I think so.....)x

Cried when someone died?: mhmmmmm....

Cried in school?: Yes, but hopefully no one noticed. Well, those other times of COURSE people noticed. But hopefully that one time no one noticed.

Fell off your chair?: hahaha yes

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: Nooo...err...Not really?

Saved IM conversations?: Chyaa

Saved e-mails?: ...No? ...yes?....Not really? Kind of????

Used someone?: I don't think so?? Maybe??

Been cheated on?: ...no................................................?

What is...

Your good luck charm?: uhmm..I don't really have one? ....or or or TEH SHINY GAARA COIN THING?? =DDD heart ....No, no, D3V!N XD [iluffu]

New fav. song?: I love soo many songs, I can't pick!! uhmm...I Don't Wanna be in Love by Good Charlotte???? Or Forever by Papa Roach?? =D oommmmgg sooo mannyyyy heart heart heart domokun

What is beside you?: ...my mom? D: goawayplz )x .....annnnd....computer stuff. And a window.

Last thing you ate?: spaghettiiii XP

What kind of shampoo/conditioner: ...uhmm...I just forgot.

Ever Had..

Chicken pox: Loonng lonnngg ago.

Sore Throat: Yeshhh &.o

Stitches: No, but maybe I should have? I just used bandaids....Big-ish scar =P [From Shaaadoowwwww] And those other times, but I guess they weren't bad. Banaids are good enough.

Broken nose: Nooooo no broken bonness! [nevah been physically broken, sheesh!]

Do You...

Believe in love at first sight?: Hellllllll nooooooooo o_e;;;

long distant relationships? Depends...maybe no?

Like school?: Kinda, somewhat....not really. Depends.

Who was the last person that called you?: uhmm....Mom? =(

Who was the last person you slow danced with?: DEVIN heart dsfsfgdhjds

Who makes you smile the most?: ...Devin? x3

Who knows you the best?: .............friends? devin? .uhh.....No no, not family....uh, yeah.

Do you have glasses or contact lenses?: neitherrrr

Do you like yourself: not reallyyyyy

Do you get along with your family?: occasionally

Are You...

Obsessive Compulsive?: yes o_e

Final Questions:

What did you do yesterday: uhm...went to my cousin's house...and....played the Onimusha game and listened to my ipod with MJ and....got raped by Luke [their dog....] and....was mostly bored and did nothing.

What car/truck do you wish to have?: ...I haven't really thought about thaaat....uhmm...Maybe I could be like Alice and get a shmexy yellow porsche XD ...but seriously, i dunno

Where do you want to get married?: uhmmm....Somewhere outside would be nice...In GOOD weather....I don't know, just not in a church, please =(

Good driver?: im only 14, but i bet i'll be a sucky driver

Have a lava lamp?: No T-T

how many remote controls are in your house?: uhhmm....4 or 5?

Scary or Funny Movies?: scary! ....no no, both!!

Chocolate or Vanilla? CHOCOLATE +heart heart heart heart+

Rootbeer or Dr.Pepper?: neitheeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr Dx

Skiing or Boarding?: ...boarding?.......neither?

Summer or winter?: summmerrr...

Silver or Gold?: silverrrr [mah kitty! =D]

Diamond or pearl?: diamoonnd [t'is mah birthstonnee]

Sprite or 7up?: ...neither?

Coffee or sweet tea? coffee heart

Phone or in person?: in person?

Are you oldest, middle or younger: youngesstt

Today did you...

1. Talk to some one you like: Yes :3 heart

2. Buy something: No T-T I couldn't go to Barnes and Noble *sob*

3. Get sick?: ...Kindaaa

8. Talked to an ex?: but i dont have an ex D:

9. Miss someone?: Yes T-T
Last person who....

10. Slept in your bed?: Me XD

11. Saw/heard you cry?: uhmm...the peoples there on Halloweeennn =(

12. Made you cry? they didn't really MAKE me, but i was worried and seeing everyone like that made me cry )x

13. Went to the movies with?: uhhm....Devin, Kami, Mello, Wendy, Sona, Bryan, Luc, Spencer, Laura, Brittany, her brother and some of his friends? Did i miss anyone?

16. Ever been in a fight with your pet?: ...uhh...No, I go cuddly with him.

17.been to north america?: everyday for the past 14 years

18. Been to Mexico?: Nope.

19. Been to Canada?: noo

20.Been to Europe?: nevahh been outta the countryy

21. Do you have a crush on someone right now: a 'crush' is a understatement

22.What book are you reading now? NONE 'cause i didn't get to go to flippen barnes and noble D<

23. Best feeling in the world?: heart

24. Future KIDS names?;

Boys: Joshua, Christopher, Edward, Jacob....Names like that. I luff those names :3

Girls: ...I have no idea, but Ester's a nice name =/ So's like....Rosette/Rosetta/Rose...XPPP

25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: I sleep with a few to the side :3 Shippo and teh fluffeh kitty from Kiba, teh white kitty from Sharon, the green puppy from Travish, Kirara, Halloween kitty i got from florida, pikachu plushie annd...the biggest ish teh doggy from six flags i think thats soft and cuddly and i like hugging it when i sleep heart

What's under your bed?: Dust D: I'm afraid to clean under theerrre

27. Favorite sports to watch: I don't like watching sports...

29. Piercing/Tattoos?: Just my ears D: and no tattoos!

30. What are you most scared of right now?: i've got lotsa phobias annd...I don't know.

31.Who do you hate?: not a specific person, really....uhh it depends on attitude and stuff....too lazy to explain

32. Do you have a job?: No...^^;;

33. Have you ever liked someone you knew you didn't have a chance with?: yupp

38. Song that's stuck in your head right now?: Heels Over Head--Boys like Girls [YER A CHANCE TAKER, HEARTBREAKER, GOT ME WRAPPED AROUND YOUR FINGER]

39. Have you ever played strip poker?: no D:

40. Have you ever been beaten up?: kindaaa, we was just playin'

42. Have you ever been on radio/TV?: No, but my brother has :3

44. Ever liked someone, but thought they never noticed you? : uhm....*thinks*....yes?


what color is your underwear right now?: lotsa colors D<

Whats the first things you notice about the opposite sex?: hair, eyes, smile, voice?

Your Favorite Food?: uhh..I'm not sure.

Ever get so drunk you dont remember the night before: NOOOO D<

Hair color?: brown

Are you too shy to ask someone out?: pshh yes Dx

Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn?: butterr!

Dogs or cats?: DOGS

Favorite Flower?: roses! and carnations! and sunflowers even!

Have you ever fired a gun?: No, but now I want to

Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car?: I've never been in a plane, but if the distance is really long then plane please )x

How many pillows do you sleep with?: 1, the other i keep my stuffed animals and cell phone and ipod on XP

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Nov 08, 2007 @ 12:46am
o.0 momo where do u find these things???

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