Cutey Hones

Panther Zora
Background (What would I do without Wikipedia? Type all that stuff myself. razz ): Honey Kisaragi is a regular Catholic schoolgirl, until the day her father is murdered by the "Panther Claw" Organization. After his death, she learns she is actually an android created by him and within her is the Fixed System of Air Elements. By saying "Honey Flash!" she can transform into the sword-wielding red-haired superhero, Cutie Honey.
^^^ So that's the general synopsis of the anime. Honey is out to avenge the death of her father by the hands of Panther Claw, ruled by Panther Zora. Despite being the ruler, Zora does nothing but hide behind the scenes as her minion Sister Jill does all the work. Sister Jill fears Pather Zora, despite being her sister. In some versions of Cutey Honey, Sister Jill is Zora's daughter. But we're not here to talk about Sister Jill...
Sister Jill =======>

In every version of Cutey Honey I have seen that had an appearance of Panther Zora, Honey defeats Jill and then searches for Panther Zora, that usually ends the series. One thing that has left a sour taste in my mouth is that I have never seen Honey actually fight Zora. There was a battle in 1994's Cutey Honey, but Zora didn't reveal herself until the near end of the episode. At that, Zora wasn't even at full strength or using her own name. That was a little disappointing for me.
So this is what I want. Last episode of any Honey series, Panther Zora and Honey do battle in some kind of darkness realm. This gives Zora the advantage, allowing her to show off her powers to a more lethal extent. Honey would some how call upon the power of love and the memories of her father, and thus destroy Panther Zora with the power of heart love heart . That battle would end the evil organization Panther Claw once and for all.
Possibilities of Zora in Re: Cutey Honey
In the live action Cutey Honey movie, Panther Zora was mentioned when Sister Jill returned to earth. Right there, they had a possible sequal as Sister Jill was destroyed in that movie. In the animated version of that movie, Re: Cutey Honey, Panther Zora is not in it at all. The story revolves around Sister Jill and Cutey Honey being two halves of the same whole. Honey is an organic android made from the cells of Dr. Kisaragi's deceased daughter, who was also named Honey. But there is no mention of Panther Zora at all, which I thought was strange.
In a possible sequal (I know it won't come, but I can still dream!), we found out that Sister Jill's cells were from that of Panther Zora! Zora has plans for world domination and eternal darkness. Now that would be one hell of a sequal.
In conclusion, I just really, really, really want to see Panther Zora fightHoney to the finish. With the new Cutey Honey Live Action Television Series in Japan, we may soon get this. Once the episodes are fansubbed, I hope to see Zora get her face pounded in by a pissed off Honey. xd stressed sweatdrop
Good day. 4laugh