HATE PEOPLE! ... and malls
I would just like to say that people are so phony. I hate em so bad. And all those emo kids. Ugh. And MYSPACE is extremely idiotic. I am STILL trying to figure out why I have one and have not deleted it. Gaia is better anyway. Being a whore is easier than being a Gaia whore. You have stuff to actually do on Gaia. You don't really do anything on Myspace. That's why emo kids ******** love it and practically orgasm over it. They don't put effort into anything or try so Myspace is like Heaven for them, or whatever appropriate place is happy for their crappy a** religon. I also feel I need to mention that I hate the mall. You can't walk around the mall and be a girl holding another girl's hand without little kids and everyone else looking at you like you just kicked a ******** puppy. Jesus. Now it's got to be pretty obvious why I'm not a people person. Unless you're one of those people I hate, then it won't be ovious to you.