It was about 3 years ago I was drafted to fight in the war with along side me was master cheif he guided me throw rough battle's but saddly I havent seen him for over 2 years this is my first journal entry and I will write the entry dates every time you see a new journal.Jounal entry 5/23/600 May 23, 2600 first journal entry.
I have been in heavy fire for days and I have yet too see cheif most of my comrades are dead thanks to the Covidence its just me and two of my comardes we have shot a flair in the air but we havent been answered i'm stilll worried if that flare will save us or kill us.October 19, 2600 second journal entry.
We have been running low on food but have managed to get a little unfortuantly we have been spied on for imforation about the where abouts of corrtana and master cheif then we were chased by a hunter and a jackle we had one flare left so I shot it
at them they both died but unfornatley now we are out of flares and have not weapons and as soon as we got to base(camp site)camp I reallized that I was shot in the leg and it was a poison now I am very frightened will I make in time or will the ship arrive to late.Journal entry October 23, 2600
This is for a fun one it doesn't have anything to do with a journal of a marine:
genaral:We are having this party for celberation for over coming the covidence.
crowd of marines:cheers!
Master cheif:Give me 5 pound of cold hard liquid.(I told you so)
bar tender:here yuo go 5 pounds of you know what.(a couple minutes later)
cortanna:is evrythingf all right cheif?
Master cheif:duhhhhh??
crowd of marines:what the &%@$ is he doing!(master cheif pulls out his battle rifle)
Master chief/cortanna:chief?blblablabla!!!scuba diving monkey crunchers!!what the @#$%.Hey lady what are doing in there when you can be out here if you know what I'm saying hubba hubba.I'm signing out.No don't go.(beep)NOOOOOOO!!!!(Chief fire at the marines and they end up dying so does the genaral.(chief sobber)ok what the @#$% just happened?
The ship has arrived but it was'nt our ship The covidence had stolen one and the poison has gone to my hips the covidence reamoved it but i'm their prisoner
and they question me evrday about the were abouts of master chief they go tired of me not answering and through me into the mainlands with onl a pipe and a gernade I have nothing to do so I await my death(crack)what was that?It's a hunter
wait he doesnt see me phew... wait if he doen't see me I an can attack so I put the ready to busrts bomb in teh pipe I ran over shoved right through the hunter he died
I go his equipment including 15 flairs and one shield Ishot one flair I was ready for battle or ready for rescue.November 15 2600
Another ship came finally I was saved and it wasn't the covidence this time I was picked up by master chief and for soem reason everbody on the ship was dead owell nvm that so we went back to hq and got some supplies our next missoin destry the halo rings we were loaded with tons of weapons and ton of gernades we took our ship out carrying alot of vehicles but there was one problem we were beign folowed by the covidence we took fire.The system started to malfunction
We siren wre goign off and we were borded by the covidence we were heading
straight toward the halo we only have a 5 out of 10 chance on this one what will happen? December 24 2600 (the day before christmas but it will not be mention in the next journal.)
We were heading straight toward halo half our ship was cut off and there was only 2 covidence and 5 marines lleft since we were past the halo ring we killed the covidence with are reaming ammo and crashed onto a distant planet and you know what guess where we were.... home the war was over or was it.fianl journal entry
may 28 2601.
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