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I like talking to new people. =)
Song of the Day...Misery Business, by Paramore heart heart heart heart heart
Status: smile
Song of the Day...Misery Business, by Paramore heart heart heart heart heart
Status: smile
I missed yet another journal entry because of Emran yesterday. T___T Look what my evill brother is doing! He's making my "daily" journal entries into "every other daily" journal entries! T___T
Anyway today was okay. Same old, same old for 1st period. Then in Research Lit. we just did a little group work (why can't he do that more often! individual work is so boring!). Not too bad.
Math was kool. =) We learn. xD
After that we had homeroom, where we got our lockers. It was strange how in the first week our homeroom was so quiet, but today we were all not quiet. xD Like, even I was shy, and Nancy too, but today we just started talking. xD I guess three weeks of high skool can do that to you. xD
So after that, I had lunch, one of the boringer times of my life. I just went to check out my locker. I couldn't open it! T___T So I asked this other dude to do it for me, and he got it, but then I just realized...I still don't know how to open it! xD Whatever, I'll deal with that later.
Next was Latin which was kool. =) Haha, Ms. Rocchio is kool. xD I sure do use the word "kool" a lot. And it doesn't explain much either. But isn't it such a kool word?
Next was Bio. Not quite as boring as usual, but usually it is pretty boring...anyway test on Monday. xP
So, then along came Gym. This time I rushed in the locker rooms. xD So me and Rahima were like stuffing everything into our locker. xD But we didn't even do much in gym today. There were push up and sit up retakes. And then just free time. Jenny was jsut telling me about her manga story idea. She's a really good artist, and definitely great with stories. =) Also, she's an Avatar fan like me! ^_^ She did her hair like Katara's today too. =)
Anyway, then was History. I was one of a handful of dunces who forgot that we were meeting in the Library today, so I ran 3 flights of stairs up and down for nothing! Anyway, luckily there was a fire drill, though I don't think I was really late anyway. I met this nice girl there too, from my history class, Janell. =) Another fellow Bronx person. xD
Anyway, lastly was English, which was alright. Ms. McGuigan put on the usual hilarious show. xD
So then came the "going home" part. Which was hot and boring. After I got off the bus that is. xP
So anyway, I should probably be going to bed now. xP
Oh yeah, I got really thirsty today in school!!! Thank Allah Iftar came along. xD
Whee. Tomorrow's Friday. Avatar!!! heart heart heart

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