This first one was probably the hardest one I wrote. To relate someone to a part of nature is quite easy but the qualities are hard to match up. Remember, water flows and is very soothing. Keep that in mind people.
I remember you
Call me nostalgic
I think back at old times so often
You are a very vivid part of my memory
I can recall first talking to you
Like a frozen pond
You were icy on the outside
So cold and had nothing to say
You only said things that pertained to the guild
But also, like a pond
Beyond the surface was water
I found that when I merged into your icy pond
I could see why your environment was cold enough
For you to forge a thin icy barrier
Eventually however
The water became so warm and gentle
And I saw you for who you truly are
I became so comfortable around you
You were so close to me-it was mutual
The gentleness and warmth of the water that surrounded me
Alluded sweet dreams that
This pond and I could share
Often we wondered if we ever could be
The desire was there
Drifting along minds
Barely spoken
But profoundly understood
And it never lingered
The pond became thick with intensity
And words we never wanted to take back
Eventually, the pond became so thick that
For the first time
I began to sink
Weighing me down
I pulled myself up; I'm out of the water
The seasons passed by
I felt the rush
Of each season pass my skin
I watched the world-falling leaves, snowflakes, and the cloud hidden sun
I realized then that the desires I have
Shouldn't be
You emerge from the water that always surrounded you
I realized despite wherever I am
Or may be going
Somehow you will surround me
The memories
The thick murky intensity
And the morale lifting words exchanged
You squeezed your hair
With a smile, you asked, "Where do you think you're going?"
I smiled back, "To see if you'd come chasing after me."
We watched the sun fade out of the sky
It was dark then
And you never left my side
This second one is mucho shorter than the first one. I made it right before bed on the eleventh. I think it belongs in a different order so I broke it up into parts
-Your words coincide
With my soul.
-Bodies far apart
But souls closer than ever before
-You are closer to me
Than I allow you to be
-The more you speak
The faster wounds heal
And the more enthralled I am with you
-The hope of reading your lips once more
Surpasses any kind of hope I've ever had
-You are real to me
I didn't think this was very good.
I recall sweetly dreaming
Of someone who was always there
When I needed a hand to hold
Or words to share
You'd comfort me with illusions of what I needed
And sometimes of what I truly desired
I loved to dream of you
You were perfection
Dream, you were mine-Everything I wanted
With each time I closed me eyes
I return to you each night
I emerge myself of the image that I find perfect
And dream sweetly
Of the person I love dearly
The mind behind the immature poet:
I well uhhh...I don't know what to say. I don't talk like this, but I think like this. I have SO MUCH time on my hands that I think about people. I think of things that are quite practical, considering I'm somewhat boy crazy. Hott guy, cute guys, weird guys that are cute because their weird, and then friends. Then, when I'm in a neutral mood, (Not smiling but not unhappy) I'm in deep thought. I think about WHY I think the guys are oh so hott and I still don't understand why weird guys become cute to me....But anyways, yeah, that's me. Typical but profoundly typical. ^_^ I've been told by many friends that I have horrible taste....I guess that's true. Well, I don't know what this has to do with the entry but I typed it. I'm a 2 in 1 package people. rofl Too much to handle.
~I appreciate your time and thanks for not being illiterate. I recall that being illiterate is more than not knowing how to read but not reading at all; you might as well be.
I want that kiss.
I want those lips.
I want the right
To call that mine.
I want be richer
To have it.
I want it so badly.
I can't do anything about it.
Everything about it
Makes me smile,
And yet
I can't help but shed tears.
It has a high price,
So high
I don't have enough
That I could give to it,
And yet
It doesn't change in my eyes.
It's still so desirable.
What I want is what I don't have.
I'd give up everything for it,
And yet
Everything still isn't enough.
I've often wondered if I sould sacrifice everything
In order to attain something I feel will last forever.
But the last time I was told
"This will last forever"
It slowly weathered away
Until it just slipped from my fingers
As the wind carried it from my hands.
I'm taking a chance now.
I know what forever is
And I am willing to sacrifice everything I have
Go into debt
To attain this exchange;
The thing I desire most.
Does this make me a fool?
Or a romantic?
I pondered the thought
And I know now
Chances are worth taking
For something
Like this
I've heard this exchange is worth
Every ounce of effort and struggling
I want to experience it all
I believe strongly that anyone could have this
Just give it everything you have
Don't look back on old broken
Look at what you have
What you strive for
Know in your heart you want it more than your next breath
And risk everything
You'll never know your limits until you do
Keep faith my aspiring exchangers
And an open mind and heart
You'll need all you got
For what you're about to do.
You don't look the same to me
You don't smile as much
Words are a rarity coming from you
You're a stranger to me now
How could it be that we were once too close for comfort
And now your face is unfamiliar to me?
Have I lost the person that meant so much to me?
Or is the image of you I had
Has changed.
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