FIRST AND FOREMOST I'd like to share two stories that my rl friend have probably already heard.
So I was in History with my friend Nabeela and we were working on a project, so she hands me the paper so I can write something and then I feel this jab on my face. "I been poked!" I say, staring straight ahead, trying to imitate the confused emoticon (@_@), and she says "I'm sorry, but your cheek just looked so pokeable! It's all squishy and cute!" to which I respond "but... I don't blush. Like ever." and she's like "yes you do! You're doing it right now!" At which point I think I collapsed onto the table. XD
Then later that day... (this was yesterday by the way) I got a note from my parents in the middle of Japanese saying basically "get yourself home; we'll meet you there." Well, Susie walks home, Alice was absent, but she also usually walks home, I couldn't find Micha or Irina, so that leaves Kate. Kate had marching band practice until late, but told me that if I stayed with her through practice she'd give me a ride. Then she said that if I couldn't find anyone else I should get something to eat, and handed me a dollar.
So time passes, I get into a conversation with squishy and her friend, whom I do not know his name, but he's very tall about random things including light sabers and weird word filters on 4chan. XD And I'm hungry and realize that the school is empty and it looks like I'll be waiting for kate today. So I walk over to the vending machine and buy the only thing worth buying: a pop tart. It's one of those old ones that move the items on a big spring, and since it's high school it's protected by a big metal cage. I see the spring rolling along, the pop tart getting closer and closer in all it's sugary glory, and then- it stops. The pop tart is no where to be seen. Well it is, but it's no where I can get it. The pop tart has gotten stuck.
I try to shake it off, but being a high school and having it in that damned cage, it won't budge. So instead, I plop down in front of the machine, thinking that the next person to try to buy something will just have to forget about what they really wanted and buy a pop tart in order to rescue mine. Time passes, and finally someone comes. He's tall, has black hair, and wears dark sunglasses and a beret. The kind of guy you'd run into at a beat poetry cafe.

He walks past me first, then stops and comes back with money in his hand. "STOP RIGHT THERE!' I shout. He just kinda stares at me for a while, probably thinking what a weirdo...
"For the good of humanity, you must buy a pop tart!" I exclaim, and he says, surprisingly calmly "oh, sure..." I'm a bit surprised he's so relaxed when some crazy short little girl just forced him into buying a pop tart. "You see, I put in the money, but my pop tart got stuck..." I explain, but he cuts in, "Oh, that? That's easy to fix." he reaches his hand inside the cage through an opening at the top and starts tipping it back and fourth and after a while, the pop tart comes flying off. "Oh, thanks!" I say, wondering why I didn't think of that. "You a freshmen?" he guesses. "Yeah... *sweatdrop*
and then he walked away.
For some reason, I found it hilarious. It made me think of that old TV show Doug. I have no idea why. XD
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS I have some announcements. Well, I think I only really have one. XD
My birthday is coming up this month the twenty-seventh of September
I'd really appreciate avatar art, or even just a "happy birthday!"
you can draw me, or my dream avatar(found on my profile), your avatar saying happy birthday to my avatar, ect... and I'd especially love it if you made art of me and doom. <3
I will accept items, gold, and etc, but only on the following conditions:
you can't spend more than half your gold on the gift unless I've done a great deal for you, because if you do and I haven't, I'll feel bad about it, and I don't want that on my birthday. >.<
if it's worth nothing and ugly, your gift to me can be not giving that worthless and ugly thing to me. If it's really cheap, but looks neat and is even just some sort of an inside joke I'll gladly accept it, but if you give me like.... five pieces of garbage? C'mon, that's not nice. I wouldn't give you a dead bug for your birthday...
if you don't give me anything that's totally OK. n___n I'm going to have a really great birthday party and I just have the best friends and girlfriend in the whole wide world! That could be your present to me! Being my friend! *goes off on a tangent*
anyways, yeah. n___n
Update as of tonight
So I was in History with my friend Nabeela and we were working on a project, so she hands me the paper so I can write something and then I feel this jab on my face. "I been poked!" I say, staring straight ahead, trying to imitate the confused emoticon (@_@), and she says "I'm sorry, but your cheek just looked so pokeable! It's all squishy and cute!" to which I respond "but... I don't blush. Like ever." and she's like "yes you do! You're doing it right now!" At which point I think I collapsed onto the table. XD
Then later that day... (this was yesterday by the way) I got a note from my parents in the middle of Japanese saying basically "get yourself home; we'll meet you there." Well, Susie walks home, Alice was absent, but she also usually walks home, I couldn't find Micha or Irina, so that leaves Kate. Kate had marching band practice until late, but told me that if I stayed with her through practice she'd give me a ride. Then she said that if I couldn't find anyone else I should get something to eat, and handed me a dollar.
So time passes, I get into a conversation with squishy and her friend, whom I do not know his name, but he's very tall about random things including light sabers and weird word filters on 4chan. XD And I'm hungry and realize that the school is empty and it looks like I'll be waiting for kate today. So I walk over to the vending machine and buy the only thing worth buying: a pop tart. It's one of those old ones that move the items on a big spring, and since it's high school it's protected by a big metal cage. I see the spring rolling along, the pop tart getting closer and closer in all it's sugary glory, and then- it stops. The pop tart is no where to be seen. Well it is, but it's no where I can get it. The pop tart has gotten stuck.
I try to shake it off, but being a high school and having it in that damned cage, it won't budge. So instead, I plop down in front of the machine, thinking that the next person to try to buy something will just have to forget about what they really wanted and buy a pop tart in order to rescue mine. Time passes, and finally someone comes. He's tall, has black hair, and wears dark sunglasses and a beret. The kind of guy you'd run into at a beat poetry cafe.

He walks past me first, then stops and comes back with money in his hand. "STOP RIGHT THERE!' I shout. He just kinda stares at me for a while, probably thinking what a weirdo...
"For the good of humanity, you must buy a pop tart!" I exclaim, and he says, surprisingly calmly "oh, sure..." I'm a bit surprised he's so relaxed when some crazy short little girl just forced him into buying a pop tart. "You see, I put in the money, but my pop tart got stuck..." I explain, but he cuts in, "Oh, that? That's easy to fix." he reaches his hand inside the cage through an opening at the top and starts tipping it back and fourth and after a while, the pop tart comes flying off. "Oh, thanks!" I say, wondering why I didn't think of that. "You a freshmen?" he guesses. "Yeah... *sweatdrop*
and then he walked away.
For some reason, I found it hilarious. It made me think of that old TV show Doug. I have no idea why. XD
SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS I have some announcements. Well, I think I only really have one. XD
My birthday is coming up this month the twenty-seventh of September
I'd really appreciate avatar art, or even just a "happy birthday!"
you can draw me, or my dream avatar(found on my profile), your avatar saying happy birthday to my avatar, ect... and I'd especially love it if you made art of me and doom. <3
I will accept items, gold, and etc, but only on the following conditions:
you can't spend more than half your gold on the gift unless I've done a great deal for you, because if you do and I haven't, I'll feel bad about it, and I don't want that on my birthday. >.<
if it's worth nothing and ugly, your gift to me can be not giving that worthless and ugly thing to me. If it's really cheap, but looks neat and is even just some sort of an inside joke I'll gladly accept it, but if you give me like.... five pieces of garbage? C'mon, that's not nice. I wouldn't give you a dead bug for your birthday...
if you don't give me anything that's totally OK. n___n I'm going to have a really great birthday party and I just have the best friends and girlfriend in the whole wide world! That could be your present to me! Being my friend! *goes off on a tangent*
anyways, yeah. n___n
Update as of tonight