My life...that is boring...but somehow interesting...but completely dull...and insane. thank you.
It's been raining a lot out here lately. I'm starting to believe they've confused global warming for global flooding. Classes have started again too. It's funny. Three years ago I never saw myself starting this early...but now, it all just seems to fall into place. I can clearly see the next five years of my life (all of them being in some sort of training, classes, or research). Actually, it's a might bit scary if I really think about it.
When you're young, you always want to get older. For day one, you're told, 'Not until your older, honey' or, 'You're still to young, sweetheart'. You wish and wish that someone will speed up your life so you're finally tall enough to go on the Wild Cat or go see PG-13 movies. But pretty soon you find that you can now go out to R rated movies and no one bats an eyelash over it. Even though you've wish for it so long, the luster is gone. It's almost as if we enjoy the longing more than what we actually wanted.