My Famous Last Words Will Be:

"Goodbye. I am leaving because I am bored."
What Will Your Famous Last Words Be?
Your Mind is NC-17 Rated

You're mind is so filthy... you should should be washing every part of you out with soap.
If your thoughts can go dirty, they do. Almost everything is NC-17 to you!
Do You Have a Dirty Mind?
Your Deadly Sins

Sloth: 100%
Gluttony: 80%
Wrath: 80%
Envy: 60%
Greed: 60%
Lust: 40%
Pride: 40%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 66%
You will die while sleeping - and no one will notice.
How Sinful Are You?
You Are 64% Emo

While you may not be completely emo, you have a sensitive, deep, troubled soul.
Are You Emo?
You Don't Have Your Emotions in Check

Whatever life deals you, you make the worst of it.
You often feel that life isn't worth living, even when things are going your way.
Believe it or not, your life could be a lot better.
You just need a whole new outlook (and probably a therapist!).
Can You Keep Your Emotions in Check? Are a Soft Kisser

Your kissing style is understated, but effective
You give soft, sweet, and soulful kisses.
And the key is, you only give kisses to someone incredibly special
Because you don't just go around kissing anyone
What's Your Kissing Style? Are 88% Sociopath

You're so manipulative, you could make Hannibal Lector your b***h.
You feel superhuman - and you certainly lack human empathy.
Are You A Sociopath? Makeup Look Is

Dramatic Eyes with Naked Lips
You rock an edgy, modern look with feminine grace
What's Your Signature Makeup Look? Personality is Somewhat Rare (ISFP)

Your personality type is caring, peaceful, artistic, and calm.
Only about 7% of all people have your personality, including 8% of all women and 6% of all men
You are Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving.
How Rare Is Your Personality? Are Not Happy Being Single

You're just one of those people who does better in a relationship. It's as simple as that.
And most people who are honest with themselves feel the exact same way.
Try to make the best of your single times. There's no rush to fall in love - even if being single sucks.
Are You Happy Being Single? Are 0% Good

Well, you're not necessarily evil - but you're pretty darn bad.
Morals are something you don't concern yourself with. You're amoral... not immoral.
So what motivates you instead of ethics? Greed, lust, laziness, anger. The usual bad stuff.
Bottom line, you're not trying to be a good person. In fact, it probably never crosses your mind.
You are also probably: Not too terribly concerned about what anyone thinks of you
Right now you are on track to being: An evil dictator
To be a better person: Start small. Pet a puppy.
How Good Are You? People Think of Your Mouth

People see you both as reserved and sweet.
You tend to be very sensitive and detail oriented.
The smallest things can please or annoy you. You tend to be internally moody.
Perceptive and intuitive, you understand people quickly - though you usually won't tell them.
What Does Your Mouth Say About You? Are Creepy

Serial killers would run away from you in a flash.
How Scary Are You?
You Are 4% Happy

You know that there's more to life than how you've been living it.
Life can be rough at times, but most of your unhappiness is self-inflicted.
How Happy Are You? Birth Month is July

Introspective and intense, you tend to be a deep thinker.
You are quiet and spiritual - and you have a unique perspective on life.
Your soul reflects: Lightness, luck and an open heart
Your gemstone: Ruby
Your flower: Larkspur
Your colors: Green and red
What Does Your Birth Month Mean?