So someone pointed out that often in these journal entries I jump from the extremes of the highs and lows in my life. I tend to neglect the in-betweens because I think they're too boring to write about or because anyone who knows me, already knows whats going on...usually.
I would like to say that I'm on a steady climb out of the current quick-sand trap that life has dropped me in, but at the moment I'm just managing to keep still so I don't sink faster. I have a steady full time job, working for Target, but the schedule is really conflicting with my lack of transportation and the place where I'm staying while I look for a place to live.
Oh and on the topic of where my house hunting has taken me. There were several numbers I've called that turned out are now disconnected, many places are already rented, a few haven't answered the phone at all or called back when I left a message. Then out of the ones that did call back many were actually mis-advertised and the rent was way higher, or in one case there was a room for rent right by my school that seemed perfect except when I called everyone else renting a room there were guys. I know there are some people wouldn't see how this would be a problem for a 22 year old girl with a boyfriend, but if you stop and really think about it and take into account I would have shared a bathroom, I think you'll start to get the issue. This Friday or Saturday I plan to go check out a room I saw in the paper. I already called and it sound okay, but I'll reserve judgment for after I actually see the place.
Oh and I type this from the computer I sit at at school. Today is the first day of my introduction to 3D animation. Well that's one bright spot right? ^_^
So thats the update on my life I'll report back later when I have more to share.
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gaia_angelleft emotion_bigheart gaia_angelright
"Nosce te ipsum" (Know thy self) --Latin Proverb
I tend to get distracted by shiny objects and wander away, so please quote me if you'd like to get my attention.[/color:ba176895f2]
yum_strawberry yum_tea yum_strawberry
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