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"My broken wings, still strong enough to cross the ocean with...my broken wings, how far should I go drifting in the wind..."
Oh and also, Mrs. Zanicchi scares me! redface
Song of the Day...Broken Wings, from Trinity Blood end
Status: smile
Oh and also, Mrs. Zanicchi scares me! redface
Song of the Day...Broken Wings, from Trinity Blood end
Status: smile
I didn't make an entry yesterday hehe...and cuz I didn't have time. I had plenty of time to watch Blood Plus. Hehe. So I really just forgot. xD
Anyway, today didn't start off too well...I was kind of sick in the morning. And as usual, it got worse thru the day. In Art class, I finally finished my pants for the outfit, and I think I did a fairly well job. And I started the dress too. Oh yeah, I almost forgot about my homework! I have to go draw a tissue box. Now that's just irony isn't it...
In Music, it was pretty boring. I ahven't been taking notes for the apst few days, I dunno...it's just been really boring. So I was just shading words in my notebook thru that class, and just talking to Sharmela. Same old, same old.
In Health, my teacher was really pissed off because 15 people didn't do their homework. I thought she was going to yell at me because I did such a sloppy job. And I applied to one of the "list of excuses for not doing homework" she wrote on the board. xD My excuse was that I didn't think she would check it. Luckily, she accepted my work, and no fuss. She just said I should look back into the reading cuz I missed some stuff in Lesson 3. xD Unfortunately, I'm probably gonna be failing Health, cuz Ms. Zanicchi is just taking the class too seriously. She even told us this weird story about this kid who never did his work or anything, and cut class a lot. And when his parents found out, they had the excuse that "his grandfather was in the Holocaust", which made no sense. Yes, this is a white Jew we're talking about here. But after they found about the cuts, they made him hand in everything that was missing, so there was like a pile of homework and projects he had to hand in. And there was one particular essay, about this white Jewish kid's background. As in his culture. And he handed in an essay written by a black girl from the Indies. -__- And his parents excuse for him was "We didn't think you would read it." So goes Ms. Zanicchi's lesson of how the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Not that I really care, I thought it was somewhat weird/amusing.
Anyway, luckily, the whole conversation wasted most of the Health period, so there wasn't much work or homework. xD Haha, for one of the activites, we had to write 3 words taht other people used to describe us, and Wafha sid people called her slow. xD Lol.
Good thing I don't have too much homework today. ^_^ I am so not in the modd for homework...though I have a feeling that nexttime I do homework for health class, I better put some effort into it. xD
Anyway, after that, when I got home, Emran was kind of bugging me with a slinky. He kept lsining it into my face. -___- And as usual, he wouldn't shut up about Naruto.
Anyway, I just saw a couple of episdoes of Blood Plus. Poor Riku! T___T Poor poor Riku...I can't wait to see Saya kill her looney sister!
Anyway, that's all for now...hehe. ^_^
