It was a cold musky day. The air was thick with grief and sorrow, even the flowers wilted in this essence. What could be so wrong? It was never like this... Not that anyone who was still alive knew for that matter.
A girl stood by a window in a small dark room. Her hair streaming down her face, tears freeing themselves from her eyes.
"Why...," Said the girl in a low trembling voice. "Why did you go.... So.... Soon?" as she said this, she broke into even more tears, now screaming and panting.
Now the rain was more like a wave of solid water then drops of water.
"Jordan...," another voice said coming from outside the room. "you need to eat. Its been Three days now!" The voice seemed sympathetic yet impatient.
there was no reply. Soon there was a sudden stillness in the world. Like everything on earth stopped just to see if someone would finally say something... But after 30 seconds it seemed like a lost cos. there was no response. Then the crying coming from the window started again. This time more violently and pear-sing.
"I.... I don't know... If i.... Can... C... Can ever meet anyone like... You." The voice let out one last whisper.

to be continued...
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