***WARNING: do not read if you are a die hard Gaara fan, prone to seisures after laughing or crying too hard, or just don't want to read.***
Allenia La Fayette Name meaning(s): Allenia means “all knowing” in her mother’s native language, Kiraika. La Fayette is the royal last name in Altia’s current dynasty. Age: 14-15 (pt. 1) 16-17 (pt. 2) 17-18 (pt. 3) 30 (pt. 4) D.O.B: December 30th Blood Type: AB+ Element: Air Demon: Falcon Demons- Razgriz/ Sepirothe Family: Mariette (Kinka) La Fayette (mother) deceased, Allek La Fayette (father) killed and deceased, Ike La Fayette (brother), Tye La Fayette (brother), “Golden General” General Howelle (uncle) deceased, Colonel Michel (Uncle) deceased, Henrietta La Fayette (grandmother) , Louis La Fayette (grandfather) deceased, Subaku no Gaara (pt. 3 & 4 husband), Subaku no Ashira (pt. 4 daughter) Occupation(s): Former princess of Altia, Senator, s-class Medical-nin, container of “two” legendary demons of air Special Jutsu: “Hurricane Wind Slice” Al creates a large wind storm and a tornado by jumping high in the air and using Razgriz’s ‘angel wings to spin around and around until a large tornado in the ‘eye of the storm’ is created. Then, Al sends multiple punches down to her enemies, creating copies of Crescent blade and throwing them around like boomerangs. Used only once and was developed and used by Razgriz, Sepirothe, and the ‘holders of the Air’. Fatal, but can be survived. Survival chance is 1%. Two have survived. Talents: Air jutsu, Nin-jutsu, Medical jutsu, and excellent chakra control, making her punches something to avoid. Weapon of choice: Knife family- Altia’s blade (formerly, until it broke in half), Crescent blade (Gift from Kyra), Pirate’s dagger (x10, hidden up her sleeves)
Personality: Rather Shy, serious, quiet, and pessimistic, yet is very dedicated and caring. Rather cry-baby-ish and also very clueless and naïve. Other: (Pt. 1) The cute, golden eyed, pinkish-brown haired beauty of Altia, Allenia La Fayette, also called ‘Al’ by her friends, was born into royalty through sheer luck. Her father, King Allek La Fayette III, had married many women before, but only loved one of them: her mother, Tribes-woman Mariette Kinka. With her, they had his only three children: Ike, Tye, and Allenia. Al is not pure Altian, though her father says so. She is half Kiraiki and half Altian, ruining the ‘pure’ blood line of the royal dynasties. Loved by her whole country, including the rebels, Allenia was hated by her father at birth, because that was the first time he found out that Mariette was not Altian. Angered by this, King Allek had summoned two wise sages to advice him what to do. They gave him advice, but someone told him that he should PUNISH Mariette for lying. To punish her, he had Allenia ‘kidnapped’ and two sleeping demons sealed into her body. Once sealed, they awoke. Not knowing the consequences, King Allek ‘paid the ransom’ wanted for his daughter and took her back. When taken back, the sealer of the two demons was dead, as his life was a sacrifice for sealing a demon… but there were two demons. That meant that the sealing was incomplete. When mother and daughter were reunited, one of the demons unleashed its power silently and took Mariette’s life. King Allek was deeply saddened by the death of his wife and never re-married. He grew to love Allenia, though pretending not to pay much attention to her because he was so ashamed. Not even telling her that she was the container of two very powerful demons, he forbade her to fight, even with words, and purposely lost his temper with her, making Allenia rather afraid of her father for the next 14 years. Though King Allek seemingly hated his daughter, his two brothers, General Howelle and Colonel Michel treated Allenia like their own, even teaching her how to fight and use chakra when she was six until fourteen. Through that, they discovered how incredibly smart Allenia was, finding out that she had a 300 I.Q and a perfect chakra control. With that information, they had Allenia tutored by the best doctors and physicians in the art of Medics, while training her in the way of the ninja, which was uncommon in Altia. During that time, Allenia learned many things about the world, hearing about the three Saanin, The Legendary Three, of Kohona. She loved to learn more and more about them, and learned about Tsunade, who was famous for her rather young looking complexion though she was 50. Al desired to become even better that Tsunade and read every book and scroll on the art of Medics, learning ALL of the medical-jutsus and techniques, even developing complex ones herself, which was impossible for anyone without the help of some other-worldly creature, in which she un-knowingly had. Al had also trained herself to punch and kick just like Tsunade, even surpassing Tsunade’s standards. It was with that talent that King Allek found out just how strong his daughter was. At fourteen, Allenia was training with General Howelle when she showed him her new technique, destroying a whole, un-built neighborhood by accident. Her father then forbade her to continue her training. Along with that, King Allek’s guilt grew. He sent Allenia away to live somewhere else until further notice, under the watchful eye of her brothers, who didn’t really care for their sister. He sent her away to live in Kohona, where she was expected to live. Before she left, General Howelle and colonel Michel present to Allenia her mother’s crown and tell her about the two demons inside of her, telling her that that was why she was so strong. Al, who was surprised with information, was then enveloped in a deep funk. She, her brothers, and a group of knights began their long journey to the Fire country. One night, the temporary encampment they were in had accidentally caught on fire with no source of water nearby. Though almost everyone evacuated just before the fire got even worse, Allenia didn’t want to lose her mother’s precious crown and ran back inside her tent, despite the calls of everyone else. She was trapped inside her tent by a ring of fire. Luckily, a group of nins escorting the Kazekage back to Suna had noticed the fire and came to the rescue. Among them were Kyra Nakase, Koe Shinsei, Shikamaru Nara, and Neji Hyuuga, along with Suna’s Kazekage, Gaara. Using his sand, Gaara put out the fire, saving Al’s life. Allenia was found hugging her scorched knees, crying. After that incident, the group of nins carried on to Suna. During then, the Altians reached Kohona, where Al once again meets with Kyra and Koe. In Kohona, Al, Ike, and Tye had to live together, getting closer and closer every-day. The negative feelings towards their sister had faded and they were acting like true siblings to each other. One day, Ike and Tye were summoned back to the Altian castle and left Al in Kyra’s care. For about a month, Al lived in Kyra’s care until Kyra received a letter regarding the death of her father and two brothers. Unknowingly, her two brothers were alive, but the whole royal family was slaughtered and that Al was to be next in line for the throne. Keeping this a secret from Al, Kyra, with help from Koe, began to train her new friend in tai-jutsu and nin-jutsu, also having her practice and develop more and more medical jutsu, though Kyra did not specialize in that particular style. After learning about her family’s death after months of concealment, Al told the Hokage that she wanted to become a full Kohona nin. After a series of tests, they found that she, like Kyra, had surpassed the Hokage in jutsu, also surpassing her in the ‘super-strength’ style and medical jutsu, and was placed in as an S-class nin. Refusing to wear a hitai-ate, she fashioned her own emblem signifying her allegiance to Kohona: two Kohona leaf shaped clips. As she finished, she continued to train with Kyra and become stronger. (start of part one)
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100% Catholic Christian and Proud of it  Allenia La Fayette
Allenia La Fayette · Sat May 26, 2007 @ 04:42pm · 0 Comments |