Okay, since Emran's on his way already, I wanna watch Tsubasa Chronicle ep. 34 first. If I have more time later, I'll write more. ^_^
Okay, yay. Haha, well, Emran didn't kick me off the computer, so I have time to write. ^_^ Yay me! Okay, so...today was okay-ish. In the morning, umm... *tries to recall what happened* well...uhhh... *still thinking* ummm....oh yeah, we were late cuz you know how Jasdeep is always coming late. *rolls eyes* Anyway, we had Math first, where we didn't really do anything because Ms. Croft was just looking through the timeline projects with Mr. Bednar. Haha, it was funny when he was looking at mine. He said I looked like a dool when I was little. rofl And then, Ms. Croft was like why would you trust a horse, lol. After that, in period 2, most people went to the Mock Trials, so we just did nothing or anything.
Then, in Science, all we did was go over the HIV and AIDS stuff a little more, nothing important, really.
And in arts, we did sumi paintings! Yay! ^_^ Haha Jasdeep, we were doing sumi because you suggested it, but you weren't even there to do it. ^_^ lol
Next, in SS, we were just talking and stuff because Ms. Mathis couldn't get the powerpoint thingy to work, so we didn't do any work. Haha. ^_^
After that, we had lunch, so we just...well...you know, ate food and stuff. Then we went outside. Haha, we were playing soccer with Rasheeda and CHantale. Oh yeah, before that, when me, jasdeep, and Rasheeda were the only ones there, we were playing Duck Duck Goose, and I was trying to kill her, and it resulted in my forehead and her tooth in pain. gonk redface But that was fun, haha, we made goal posts out of those cones that are always there for whatever reason...sadly, we're in for the next two days.
After that, we had Literacy, where we just did stuff...I was just writing a song/poem the whole time, though. Oh yeah, we went over the Literacy finals... An 81%... Oh well...
After that, we had Regents, where me ands Jasdeep scared Izzy. ^_^ What fun it is too. ^_^ We didn't really do any work there because Mr. Bednar didn't understand the lab. Hehe. We got our timeline projects back too, and we didn't even have to do the oral, so yay me! I got a 30/30. ^_^
So, then, we basically just stalked Izzy...and went home...Haha, Glynbert (sp...don't care) and Aundre are idiots. rofl
So, here I am... xd
