what's the point of love when it doesnt last?
what's the point of living it ur not happy?
what's the point in thatign the next step if it leads u no where?
there's many ?s that go through my mind each day
they are all the same
what's the point....
if u get hurt at the end?
wishes not coming true
hopes being crushed
there's no point....
you give eveything wanting more back
but u don't get more back
you get nothing back.....
i gave out my love, my life, my hopes and wishes, my freedom and much more
but now i have nothing....
nothing 2 help me though the days
nothing 2 make me smile or laugh
what's the use???
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Dark Prince's Journal
everything i can think of
~!~Dark Prince~!~
sasunaru (yaoi) guild
members to date:26
Prince Mako's fans:
girl fans:1
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if you want to be a fan just pm me.
98% of teens say "I love you" and don't mean it...if your the 2% that do, put this in your sig.
sasunaru (yaoi) guild
members to date:26
Prince Mako's fans:
girl fans:1
boy fans:1
if you want to be a fan just pm me.
98% of teens say "I love you" and don't mean it...if your the 2% that do, put this in your sig.
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