A few minutes later Eric and Toby came out, handed me their Zodiac Pendents then transformed into their Zodiac forms. I situated them with in my hood and took runners position, looking in the direction i believed to be area 51. “Don’t put us right in area 51, try along the edges, so it’ll be easier for us to figure things out as we go.” Eric said. I clenched my jaw. One, my left foot hit the ground. Two, my right foot sunk into the deep snow. Three, both feet sunk almost fully into the snow, making my feet cold. Four, and we where engulfed by the blueish red rays of the jump heading into the unknown.
In my angry haze i almost fell off a cliff. My foot slipped and i scrambled to grab the edge of the cliff. “Anaya!” Toby screamed as we hung off the cliff. With one hand i took him out and tossed him up onto the cliff along with Eric. Then i tried to pull myself up. Toby grabbed my hoodie and helped me up. “Landing sucks.” Eric muttered reaching into a bag for his tracker. All members of the zodiac carry trackers that are activated with a push of a button. the house uses them to keep track of us while on mission. They send out distress calls when a little bit of blood touches the surface or by pressing the red button. If you don’t say deactivate, it’ll silently send out the signal. “That way.” Eric said pointing south. We where in a valley, in December, which meant the temperature averaged about 20 degrees or something along those lines. The sun was setting as we continued to walk. “H-hey wanna hear a joke? ” Toby asked trying to lighten the tense mood. No one said anything. “Well, umm. Two guys we’re lost in the desert and getting hungry…” He began. I humored him, “Yea?” I said. “Well one said, “What are we going to do?” I nodded. “Make sandwiches, i guess.” Toby said giggling. i forced a laugh. “That was good Toby, why don’t you tell more jokes.” I said trying to sound sincere, and also just trying to fill the silence. Toby told bad joke after bad joke, i made a conscious effort to laugh and shake my head at them. Some of them where really bad, some some where genuinely funny.
We walked for hours, with the night desert air chilling us slightly. Because we aren’t fully human, in a sense, the cold won’t bother us to much like normal people. “We’re close, camouflage mode everyone.” Eric said. Eric and i gave Toby our bags and all three of us transformed. I into a Desert cotton tail, Eric turned into a copper head, and Toby turned into a coyote. Toby carried our bags fairly easily. In the dark of the desert lit only by a half moon, we where invisible. Just animals nothing more. We split up. As planned, i continued forward. Toka’s pendant hung around my bunny neck. ‘You know you’re actually kinda cute this way.’ Toka said, her voice echoing inside my head. ‘Shut up, how far off are we?’ I asked sniffing the air wary of any predators. ‘Not far, if you run we’ll get there before the others.’ She said, i could see her in my minds eye, laying on her side sleepy. ‘How about instead of just laying there you try to get in contact with Monkey?’ I said, running. ‘Why? He wouldn’t be with Mochi.’ Toka said yawning. ‘ But we can find monkey, and the two of you can help me save Mochi.’ I said exasperated. She sat straight up. ‘You’re going to rescue them?’ She asked sounding scared. i didn’t miss a beat. ‘ Yes, now wake Monkey tell him to send me a mental image of the room he’s in, so i can jump there. Recon my furry little bunny a**, he’s my friend. I hate the Oribis family, but Mochi is a nice guy and no dumb ******** scientist is gonna take him apart like a two year old with a cookie.’ Toka giggled and sighed. ‘You are by far my favorite! Alright, slow down gimme some time.’ She said, i watched her close her eyes and her fur began to glow, i slowed down to a walk. After a minute or two an image began to form in my mind. Got it. I got into runners position. One, my back legs dug into the sand. Two, my front paws pulled me forward. Three, my body arched in on it self a bit. Four, Like a bow my limbs snapped out and propelled me forward, into the gold shimmer of the jump.
My bunny paws slide across the cold tile floor and i slammed into the wall. I shook it off and looked around. It was a gigantic room, gigantic by bunny standards. Shelves lined three of the four walls, with lab equipment lining the other wall, and middle islands. On the shelves where alien like technology, along with jars filled with eyes, and other poor beings who where dissected for ‘Science’ It was a bit frighting. I walked around careful to not touch anything. Then i saw it. A glass cube on the desk. It was surrounded by scary looking lab equipment, and inside the amulet of the Monkey. The Amulet of the Monkey was a round disk, hundreds of thousands of years old with ancient inscriptions carved delicately into it. it was small enough to fit in someones pocket, but big enough to hang from someones neck. This is what Mochi does. I quickly transformed into my normal self and reached for the cube. My hand passed through the glass and i took hold of the amulet pulling it out with out a problem. ‘ Alrgiht Toka, have Monkey connect to Mochi and send us the room he’s in.’ I said putting the amulet in my pocket and pushed the door open a bit and peaked out. A few seconds later i got the mental image of Mochi, but it was a bit blurry and came with some scary emotions. My heart started pounding my chest and i felt scared and out of breath. But not oh crap jump scare scared, it was like i’m going to die scared. I pushed through the emotions and tried to clear the picture in my head. ‘Is this the best you can do?’ I asked shaking my head as if to clear it. I felt suddenly sick, and dizzy. ‘ Unfortunately yes, Mochi is going in an out of consciousness, hurry.’ Toka said, i felt her little heart flutter. I nodded and closed the door i didn’t have much room to run. I got as far back against the door as i could, crouched down and leapt forward, sparks flew then the brown whips of the jump pushed me forward.
Coming out of the jump was messy and i crashed into something kinda tall, metal and full of sharp objects. One of which was happily inserted into my side. I gasped sharply and sat up on my knees carefully, it wasn’t bleeding heavily, but blood still came from the wound. “What the hell? Who are you!” Someone screamed, i scrambled to my feet and whipped out a gun it was a man, he stood frozen along with several other men. They wore long scrubs and looked ready to operate on something on the table in front of them. I pulled the hammer back on the gun and growled. “Move.” They didn’t, i pulled the trigger and shot the one man in the leg, he cried out and dropped to the floor. “Did i stutter?” I asked, they obeyed. I followed them with my gun as i approached the operating table and they moved to the far side of the stainless steal room. I tried not to breath in the disgusting smell of disinfectant. I looked down at the body on the table and was pleased to see Mochi. Quickly i ripped the mask off his face and pulled the plug on everything. Then i heard shouting on the other side of the door. Ignoring my wound i raced over and locked it, while looking wildly around for anything to bar the door with. I grabbed and hauled over the gigantic heart monitor and other medical things and pushed. Despite my bleeding wound i was still stronger than the average human. “Ya’ll better turn around and face the wall. I shouted at the scrub men. They whimpered and begged me not to hurt them. A few where saying prayers, and another was telling me about his wife and children. This is why i dislike people sometimes, things like god and family only matter when they’re about to die. One of them shouted at me that i was going to hell i retorted with “If I’m going to hell for shooting someone who was about to dissect on a living person, and the scientist doing the dissecting isn’t going to hell, then god has a pretty ******** up way of looking at people.” That shut him up. “Do you even know who that man is? Do you even care about his family? Did you ask for his permission? No, you didn’t. You people don’t care about others unless they’re exactly like you, unless they talk like you, walk like you, the same color as you. If in anyway they’re different form you, you wanna cut them up, get rid of them. And it’s ******** up.” I shouted and was about to shoot when a chocolate colored hand grabbed my wrist. It was Mochi. His silvery eyes looked at me and his wrinkled face smiling. “Monkey!” I whispered hugging him closely. The moment was cut short by banging and muffled yelling from the other side of the barricade. “We’re running out of time, hurry up turn into a monkey i got the amulet.” Monkey did and climbed into my shirt, as i ran up to one of the scientist, the one about to operate, and grabbed his head. “Show me where to get info.” I said. In my minds eye i can see Toka’s eyes glowing gold, as she used her powers to read his mind.
i jumped back from the man as he fell forward. “Thanks.” I said running at full speed towards the wall, i leapt and was swallowed up but a golden light.
As i came out of the jump i somehow managed to land on my feet. “Don’t move!” A man shouted, i turned around to see a security guy with a tiny gun standing in front of a massive system of computers. I stood in awe of the wonderful powerful computers, they all had something running on them, with text running so fast i couldn't make out individual words. Some had numbers being run through, others had various pictures and data flashing on the screen. It was beautiful. “Who the ******** are you!” The man yelled bringing me back, and pissing me off. “The Devil.” I growled. He pulled the trigger of his gun i dodged the bullet, and rushed him, i swung hard with my right arm and caught him in the jaw. using my momentum i swung my left leg up into his side and knocked him down and out. I sucked air between my teeth seconds later from the sharp pain in my side. The damn scalpel was still lodged into the bottom right side of my torso. ‘Anaya, hurry you don’t have much time, you’re loosing blood fast.’ Toka warned me. I nodded and barricaded the door with some filing cabinets. Quickly i pulled out 3 terabyte hard drives. I plugged one into the main computer and it did the rest, downloading file after file. Then I heard a hissing sound. I looked down at my feet and found a snake. “Hey Eric.” I said. He slithered away and transformed back into his human form. Eric didn’t look happy. “What in the living hell.” He growled. “Oh why hello master.” I said mockingly, and giggled. Eric slapped me hard across the face. I was shocked. “Recon. That was the mission i gave you. Mine was information. You and Toby where suppose to document outside cameras, security, and what the ******** else is out there. Yet you’re in here. Why!” He said in a controlled angry voice. His hand snaked out and grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me close. It was that moment Mochi stuck his little head outta my shirt. Eric looked at Mochi in disbelief.
- by Brownkittyninja |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 08/14/2016 |
- Skip

- Title: The Girl With The Golden Bunny
- Artist: Brownkittyninja
Part 8
Anaya is apart of a secret family of members of the Chinese Zodiac, but she doesn't want to be. She is the bunny and while the whole family has special powers, humans wish to capture Anaya to get to her powers. And while Anaya avoids these people easily, what happens when a normal human decides to try and befriend her? Follow Anaya, as she tries to balance the world on her shoulders, while keeping her secret - Date: 08/14/2016
- Tags: girl with golden bunny
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