Name: Trinity Clellane
Age: 17
Looks: Blond hair, red eyes, short-ish, likes to wear frilly or puffy things.
Species: Half human, Half cat demon
Personality: Sweet, playful, intelligent, hard working
Likes: milk, cookies, sleeping, playing games
Dislikes: Thunderstorms, rich men
"Stop! THIEF!"
Trinity ran down the dirty, slush-covered streets of London, a silver chain waving behind her. She turned a corner and ran into an alleyway. Two men in swallowtail coats and bowler hats cased after her.
"S'not like you need it, rich bastards!" she shouted behind her.
That's right. They don't need it.
Trinity gathered up the silver chain in her hand and stuffed the pocketwatch in her coat, sighing as she felt the cool silver and hard precious rocks bump against her fingers.
You deserve this. You should be wearing this. Pretty things were made for you.
Trinity nodded. "I know."
As she ran down the alley, Trinity extended out her hand and let her pale white fingers run against the brick wall beside her. She ran until she got to a dead end, stopped, and inspected her fingers. A small, bleeding cut had appeared on her thumb, and she licked it up.
The two men caught up to her and, seeing it was a dead end, stopped in their tracks. The taller of the two stepped forward.
"Now miss," he said, holding his hands up to show he meant no harm, " we won't hurt you and we won't call the police. We just want that pocketwatch back. Just put it on the ground and we'll-"
Trinity pulled her thumb out of her mouth with a loud 'pop'. She stared at the cut for a second, then addresed the two men. She smiled.
"Nuh uh. You big liars, Your gonna call the police whether I give you the shiny thing or not. And anyways, I like it! It goes 'tick tick'. So bye bye!"
With that, she grabbed onto the wall beside her and swiftly climbed up it. Once at the top, she flipped backwards and grabbed onto the roof of the next building, swinging herself ontop. It happened so fast that the two men had no time to react, and could only watch as the girl slipped away from their grasp.
Trinity grinned down at the bewildered men, waveing her hand in farewell.
"See ya later, ya rich idiots!"
Once she gained speed, flying was a breeze. Trinity ran across the roftops, jumping up to catch air. She took her paper-boy style hat off, shoveing it in her pocket,and let her long blonde hair fall out behind her.
Finnaly, she found a warm draft of air wafting up from a chimney stack and, spreading her jet-black wings, took to the sky.
Flying, in whole, came as easy as breathing to her. You just flapped your wings like so, and tilted a little this way and that way, and sometimes if you were really high up you could do tricks that made you want to laugh and sing! And the sky, oh the sky! All those stars and the pretty, pretty moon, and that dark, dark color of night time that concealed you. The sky welcomed her, called to her, gently held her as she sailed on a cool London breeze. Daytime was torture, when she looked up at those fluffy white clouds, longing to go up and touch them, and the clear blue sky that sometimes sang to you, if you listened hard enough. But night had a mysterious beauty that never faded. Always, she patiently waited for the nightly hours to strike, and she only returned home after sunrise, which was also beautiful in a sense that made you fell like something was being reborn.
The night....it is our ally. Never forget... serve the night and it will serve you.
Trinity nodded. "Yes, madame. Of course, madame."
Looking down, she saw that she was quickly approaching 'home'. Or, at least, what served as home for her.
She dropped down onto the roof, retracting her leathery wings, feeling them disolve into her skin. She crouched down until she was sitting on her bottom, pulled the silver pocket watch out of her coat, and stared at it. After a few seconds of silence, she let out a quiet sqeel and rubbed it against her cheek.
"Nya~! It's soooo pretty! Silver and green and blue and red! All the nice colors!". She pulled the watch back, opened it, and placed it against her ear. The second hand played a soothing little rythm.
Trinity pulled the watch back and looked inside. The face of the clock was bordered with gold, the minute and hour hands laced with sliver paint. On the other half of the pocketwatch, there was a picture of a beautiful woman, a tall man, and two small children. Trinity peeled the picture off the metal and looked at the back. In neat cursive, there was writing on the picture that said:
Think of me every day,
Hold tight to what I say,
And I'll be close to you, even from far away.
All my love, Annete
Trinity frowned. "Uh oh. I stole something too nice. Now I'm sad. No fair!"
Trinity looked out at the skyline, which now held a rosey morning sun. She sighed. "Well, it's too late to go back now. But I know who to give it to, so it'll be okay."
She stood up, brushing dust and dirt of her legs. She closed the pocketwatch, walked to the edge of the building, and slipped off without a word. She somersaulted in midair and landed squarely on her feet, giggleing. "Yep! Kitty-cats always land on their feet, nya?"
Smiling, Trinity walked to the back door of the building, singing to herself.
Trinity walked in to the dimmly-lit building, stuffing her new pocket watch into her pants pocket. Now in a dark room, she relaxed, and a pair of black cats ears and a cats tail sprouted from her skin.
"Baka-daifu! Daifu! Are you awake, daifu?"
She took off her black trench coat and let it sit on top of a nearby coffin. She sat down on top of it and crossed her legs.
"Oh, baka-daifu! I just heard a funny joke this night, and I want to share it with yooooooou~!"
Suddenly, a chuckleing sound resounded off the dark walls. Trinity reached behind her and picked up a candle, lighting it with the snap of her fingers.
"Found you~!"
Behind a grey stone countertop, a set of black surtains rustled. A grey haired man clothed in a black robe and a silver sash emerged from the back room, hands dripping, stained with dark red blood.
"My, my, little Otome-chan. What a loud voice you have! Any other persons hearing such a thing at this ealry hour surely would be driven mad! What has you up so early, my dear?"
Trinity stood up, tail swishing from side to side happily. She softly approached him, setting the candle down on the counter next to her.
"I'm always up late, Undertaker-papa." she said, takeing his hands and holding them up for her to see. She sniffed the air. "I see you were up late as well, working, I suppose? Did someone die?"
The Undertaker nodded. "Yes, actualy. This one's a young man, and very fresh too. I'd say he died...two hours ago, maybe."
Trinity brought his hand up to her mouth and licked some of the blood off of it. "Nope...three hours...fourty-two minutes...and sixteen seconds, to be exact." She continued to lick the blood from his forefinger. "So, can I drink him? Pretty please?"
Undertaker frowned. "Now now, I can't allow that. I just finished cleaning him up, and I don't want any bite marks on him."
Trinity, with his fingers still in her mouth, whined.
"Bt um shoooo hngriiiiiiieee hyphooo!(But I'm soooooo hungryyyyyyy daifu!) Peesh peesh? (Please please?)"
The Undertaker sighed. From his point of view, the girl looked like a starving kitten, hugrily lapping up the blood from his pale hands. A drop of blood strayed away from his palm, and she chased it down his arm with her soft, pink tounge. She looked up at him with a sad expression.
"What? What's wrong? Am I...."
She pulled away from his arm and dropped his hand lower, still holding it in hers.
"S-sorry. I'm....weirding you out, aren't I? It's okay, I understand. Sorry. I won't do it anymore."
The Undertaker chuckled. "Oh, no no. From one strage person to another, you don't faze me in the slightest." He took his hand from her and examined it. It was clean now, but a bit sticky. He held out his other hand, still dirty. "Here. You must be starving, not being able to drink from the living, the little pacifist you are."
Trinity lapped at the blood on his palm. "Sorta. I could eat regular food, but I have no money..."
The Undertaker frowned. "Hm? Why is that?"
Trinity pulled back from his hand, a fierce look in her eyes. "Because you said, 'None of the Queen's coins in this household, nope nope.' That's how it is, and that's how I live!"
The Undertaker smirked. "Ah. I see. You do realize that I said that to you when you were very small, five years old or so, I belive, to keep you from stealing from other people?"
Trinity frowned. "Yeah, well, still..."
"And, alas, you stopped stealing money from people and started stealing other precious things. Like this."
With his free hand, he held up the silver pocket watch Trinity had stolen. She gasped, swiping it from his hand "Hey! When did you-"
"When you were licking my hands. You were so captivated, it was easy." he chuckled.
Trinity hugged it to her chest. "I liked it. It goes, 'tick tick'."
Udertaker chuckled, his head in his hand. "Dear dear me. Whatever shall I do with such a naughty little kitten, ne?" He sighed. "Very well. I can see your hungry, so as long as you make sure the bite marks aren't visible-"
"YAY! Oh, thankyouthankyouthankyou papa! Your the best in the world!" Trinity cried. She lept up, wrapping her arms around the Undertaker's neck and kissed him. "Thank you! Forever and ever! Thank you!"
The Undertaker smiled a creepy smile. "Alright, alright. Let me show you where he is."
The Undertaker led her into the back room, guiding her with his hand on the small of her back. They approached a coffin with red satin lineing. In it lay a young man, no older than maybe 20 or so, his face peaceful and relaxed in his eternal sleep. His light brown hair puffed up from his face, fameing it so that tiny hairline shadows were cast upon his pale cheeks. He was fully clothed, of course, in a handsom-looking black suit.
Trinity smiled. "Woooow, papa! You did pretty good on him, yup! He looks really tastey!"
The Undertaker jokeingly took a couple of bows. "Thank you, thank you, thank you very much!"
Trinity unbuttoned the mans shirt and pulled it open. "Hmm.....lets see....no...no...ah, here we are!"
Her fingers stopped over a spot of skin between his chest and neck, right near his shoulder. Trinity licked it, primeing the skin. "Mmm, yup. This is good."
The Undertaker sat down on a nearby coffin and laughed. "You know, dear neko-chan, you might make a good lover someday."
"Ne?" Trinity glanced up, her tounge still out. "What was that?"
The Undertaker smiled. "Oh, nothing, dear."
Trinity nodded, licked over the skin afew times more, and finnaly bit down, sinking her teeth deep into the flesh. Immediatly, the blood gushed up into her mouth. She let out a quiet moan and swallowed it in one gulp, continueing to drink.
Yes....when your blood cannot sustain me... I will have you thrist for more. Feed me... this blood...in exchange for your power, your strength, all I need is blood...
"Trinity-sama! Trinity-sama!"
A boy, no more than 9 years of age, ran across a field of brown wheat. Underneath a tree, a little three-year-old girl sat on the grass, holding a stuffed rabbit close to her chest. She looked up as the boy ran up to her, gasping for breath.
"Whas wong, Andwew-sama?" She cooed, looking up at his red, tired face. He planted his hand on the tree and leaned over, takeing gulps of the cool, french-country air. After afew seconds, he calmed down just enough to make out a few words.
"I...overheard...our...mothers...talking...they said...you were...engaged to...me now..."
Trinity tilted her head in curiosity. "En..engached? Ingaged? What does ingajed mean?"
Andrew laughed. "Engaged. En-gay-ged. It means when you get older, we're gonna get married."
Trinity frowned. "What's... mawwied?"
Andrew sat down on the grass next to her. "It's when...uh...its when...y'know, like your mommy and daddy. You have to be with them forvever and ever. And you have to kiss and stuff."
Trinity scrunched up her nose. "Ew! Gwoss! You'we my best fwiend, I don't wanna kiss you!"
Andrew smiled. "Come now, it's not so bad! Here, look.............."
A sudden blast of cool air woke Trinity from her daydream. She opened her eys wide and looked out at the dark London street in front of her. She was in front of a local tavern, apperently stareing at a tan-colored carridge. A man in a black swallowtail coat sat atop the carridge, holding the reigns. She assumed he was the driver.
Cautiously, she walked up to the carridge and adressed the man.
"Excuse me. Is your master in that tavern?"
The man snapped to attention and looked down ather. "Hm? Why, yes. Master Flerrene and his wife, Miss Annete are currently purchaseing a room for the night. Why?"
"Oh, nothing. It's just... well,last night, I saw he lost this, so I came to give it back to him. Would you be so kind as to give this to him?" She held up her hand for him to see. In it was a small circular picture.
The man leaned down and picked the picture from her hand. "Thank you, miss. I'll be sure to give this to him."
"Yes, thank you very much." Trinity said,and she turned and walked away.
Once again, Trinity found herself up in the air, letting the musty smell of nightime London invade her nostrils. You could tell it was a busy city: there was the smell of smoke from the chimneys, dust and dirt on the streets, the faint smell of burning from the street lamps. There was a wooden smell, and the smell of worn upolstry and horse hair, which told her that there were many carriges. She could sense that ther were many people out in London this time, and it wasn't that suprising.This time of year, all the rich people, aristocrats, and noblemen came out to spend time in London. They called it the Season.
Foolish...All humans, they've always been so foolish, makeing merry and relaxing when there's always work to be done, and yet they waste their time on social gatherings.
Trinity shook her head. "It's not all bad. If you socialize with others, you can strengthen ties between families or buisinesses, and if you gain popularity you also gain customers and appreciation. That's why only rich people go to those parties though.Or whores, if they get invited."
Why would humans invite whores to high-class parties?
"So they can....you know what, never mind."
Trinity flew over a large building with a sign on it that read, "Jacob's Inn and Carridge Shop". A warm light emmited from the front windows, and the smell of bread and chicken broth wafted in the air. Trinity took a long sniff of the wonderful scent.
"Mmmm...what I wouldn't give for some money right now...man, I'm so hungry....." She sniffed the air again. "Fresh baked bread...hot chicken and noodles soup, accompanied with snow peas and farm fresh carrots...red grape wine....and...and..."
A boy.
Trinity looked down quickly, landing as fast as she could on the rooftop of the inn. On the street, bathed in the yellowish light of the inn, was a boy dressed in fine deep blue clothes and a tall man clothed in black. The man was helping the boy out of their carridge.
Trinity took a deep sniff of the air. Yes. She could smell the boy's blood, warm and fresh, streaming cleanly, untainted, through his veins. Yet there was something else.His blood smelled more powerful, more potent, more...
And next to him,the jet-black cloaked man was now bowing down on one knee, his hand crossed over his chest. There was something strange about him......
Pureblood! A real pureblood, in the flesh! Ah, the joyous scent that burns in my head, that of a noble pureblood!
Trinity tilted her head. "He smells....terrible."
Bite your tounge, insolent girl! That is a noble pureblooded demon you are disgraceing!
Trinity's eyes widened. "What? A full demon? Well, he certaintly doesn't look very demonic, but I guess out in the open you really can't......"
Quietly, quickly, Trinity slipped off the roof and hid behind the building's corner, cloaked in the shadows. Now that she was on the ground, she could get a better look.
The boy was young, about 13 or 14 by her guess. He had hair that was short and a greenish blue color, like clean river water. His eyes were a beautiful aqua blue that reminded her of the ocean, or the sky at sundown. She could only see one of his eyes, though, because the other eye was covered by a black eyepatch. He wore a black vest, dark blue tailcoat, blue suit pants, and black shoes. He carried a black cane with a gold crown, and atop his head was a black top hat with a blue ribbon and a beautiful blue flower shaped broach.
Trinity blushed deep red. "Oh...my...he's rather handsome...."
Focus, girl! Look on that top hat of his!
Trinity stared harder at the broach on his hat. It was made with aqua blue gemstones, with a circlse of dimonds and a small onyx rock in the center. The shine that came off the jewels captiveted her.
"Ohhh~! Pretty shiny rocks!"
Those rocks should be on your head, don't you think?
Trinity snapped up. "Wh-what? Oh, no, I couldn't steal from a young boy!" She gazed at him again. "Especialy one so handsome..."
He is just another rich b*****d. He looks down at you, sneers at you, thinks lowly of you because of your dress and your class. Take that satisfaction away from him.
Trinity nodded slowly. "I...I guess you're right. Okay. I think I'll have that then."
She reached into her pocket, took out her cap, and stuffed her hair into it. Once she had fixed herself up, she cautiously walked out into the street.
Do not faulter... do not stray... just do it...
"Excuse me, sire." Trinity said as she walked up. "Could you spare a little money? I would like to get some food."
The boy's nose wrinkled. "Why would I do something like that? Just go steal some. I'm sure you know how to do that, seeing as you are poor."
The man beside him turned abit. "Young master...you shouldn't be so rude towards those lower than yourself..."
Now! Do it now!
"I see. Then if you have no money to give..."
Suddenly, Trinity appeared on the other side of the boy, holding his hat in her hands.
"I guess you won't mind if I just borrow this, ne?"
Now run child! Run!
"Hey! What!? No, stop! Thief!"
Trinity took off down the street, running as fast as her legs would take her. "Thanks for the hat, ya rich b*****d!"
She turned the corner and ran down a street marked "Fifth Avenue"
Behind her, the boy glared after her dissapearing frame. "Sebastian! Give chase and get me my hat back! Now!"
"Yes, my lord." Sebastian said.
Trinity ran down the long line of carridges parked on the side of the street. People watched as she sprinted down the avenue like a bat out of hell, laughing and smileing.
Behind her, Sebastian was quickly gaining ground. He caught up to her fast, much to her suprise.
"I will be needing this back." he said, and he reached for the hat. Trinity swerved out of the way.
"Not so fast! Some of us need to eat to survive!"
People on the sidelines gasped as she dodged and swerved out of the way of his attempts to grab the hat. One time he knicked her shoulder, and dark blood dripped from her arm. She pouted. "That wasn't very nice!" she called behind her.
The next street she turned down was, suprisingly, empty. Not a single person, not even a carridge, could be seen.
Trinity grinned, feeling a gust of wind blow against her. "Well, this is where we part ways unfortunatly. But best of wishes, Mister Demon!"
Sebastian gasped a bit. "Demon? How did you-"
A ripping sound, accompanied by a sound like falling sand, rang through the air. A pair of black, feathery wings protruded from Trinity's back. She closed her eyes, flapped her wings a couple of times....
And she soared up into the air.
Sebastian stared up at her in amazement and shock. Trinity giggled and waved. "So long~!"
As she flew away. Sebastian stared after her.
"What in the hell...was that girl?"
He stared at his gloved fingers, which were now stained red with her blood. He sniffed at the tips and grinned evily. "Ah. I see.How strange, to find another demon in this world. Takeing shelter inside a human girl, no less."
As he walked away, he muttered to himself. "Still.....she must be very powerful...to escape me. I won't give chase for now. After all...it was just a hat."
- by TrinityThatcher |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 01/08/2011 |
- Skip

- Title: Rich Man (Black Butler FanFic)
- Artist: TrinityThatcher
- Description: This is the first chapter of my fanfiction, Rich Man, Poor Man. And yes, the main character is of my own creation. Anyways, the rest of the chapters have been posted on Quizilla, so please comment and rate! Anyways, here we are!
- Date: 01/08/2011
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the third part of my beasts...
Sorry I didn't post this in...
Alright...so they heir's ha...
Inspired by a two page even...