• Hello!

    My name is Reno Namco.

    I live in this world where people are like animal's, like they all have tail's,ear's and many more animal like thing's.

    I came to this world 7 year's ago when I was 10.I dont have much friend's here, since there all animal's,they grow faster than me so half of them are already married.

    But, there's one friend who hasnt left me, my one-true-friend.......


    "Hey, you ready?" Asked the Purple-haired girl, leaning her head down a little and looking at the young boy rest.

    "Uh...huh?" Said the young boy, standing up and rubbing his eye's."I..I.U? Is that you?" Asked the boy.

    "Tch,of course it's me!" Yelled the Purple-haired girl "Reno, did you fall asleep again?" Again asked the Purple-haired girl.

    "Um yeah,sorry, guess I must have dosed off while waiting..." Replied Reno.

    "Did I make you wait that long?" Asked I.U while she sat next to Reno on the school bench.

    "Eh! No it's not like that!" Said Reno as he was waving his hand's and shaking his head."Well you see, I was really happy that you wanted to have lunch with me, that I came 2 hour's early...eh-heh..." He sighed, then started to poke his finger's together.

    "But Reno, we eat lunch together every day, why is this one so special than the other's?" She asked as little question marks floated around her head.

    "W-well this time you asked me!" Said Reno with a big smile."Most of the time I have to ask you if you wanna have lunch together but this time, you asked me...." He said slowly.

    I.U gave him this evil glare and put her hand on his shoulder.

    "Have I ever told you how stupid you are Reno?" Said I.U, laughing as she patted him on the back.Reno looked back at her and smiled too.

    As they left to have lunch, Coey was watching them.She was hiding in a bush next to the bench.After they left, Coey got up and smiled.

    "Poor Axel, I.U's already dating other guy's" Said Coey as she walked home slowly.

    When Coey came home, Aron, like he alway's does, asked how her day was.

    "It was okay..." Said Coey as she flopped on the couch." I saw I.U and Reno today, and I think their dating"

    Axel walked in the room right as Coey said that.His eye's were wide and he turned pale.Aron and Coey looked and saw Axel standing there, and they both froze.

    "I.U...dating....?" Wispered Axel.

    "Eh! N-no im sure it's not like that.Their probaly just hanging out, right?" Said Aron trying to calm down Axel.

    "Nope, I really do think their dating, cause dont couple's go to the Mall?" Said Coey.Aron looked at her and smiled.

    "Well...some of them do" He replied.

    "Ha! see? Their both were heading for the Mall, so that mean's..." She said but then stopped when she saw Axel.He looked really sad but then angry at the same time, his eye's were black and he had this evil glare on his face.Axel then grabbed his jacket and opened the front door.

    "I'll be back..." Mumbled Axel as he closed the door.


    "So, where do you wanna eat?" Asked Reno.

    "Hmm...Let's try this place!" Suggested I.U."The food look's great"

    "Yeah, your right!" Agreed Reno.They both sat next to eachother and waited for one of the waiter's to come.

    "It's busy today..." Sighed I.U.

    "Do you not like crowded place's I.U?" Asked Reno.

    "Yeah, there's alway's to much noise...." Replied I.U as she looked out the glass window next to their seat.I.U's eye's then got wide and she stood up.
    "Umm...is it just me or does that guy look like...." She mumbled."Nah, never mind" I.U sat back down on her seat and looked out the window again but she saw nothing.

    "Huff,Huff...That was close, she almost saw me" Said Axel as he peeked his face out of a garbage can."But I cant quit now, if what Coey said was true and I.U has a..a.....AHH! I cant even say it!!" Cried Axel."Im not gonna let that Green-Haired nerd steal my I.U away form me!" Axel then stopped and looked around to see that every one was staring at him.

    "What? You've never seen a man in a garbage can before? What's wrong with you people!?" Shouted Axel, not even caring that he look's like a complete weirdo.


    "The food was great wasnt it,I.U?" Asked Reno as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.

    "Yeah,it wasnt so bad" Muttered I.U.Reno saw that I.U was getting annoyed by all the sound in the room, it was so crowded.

    "Hey, you wanna leave now? We could go some place quiet?" Suggested Reno."Sure! Anywhere but here!" Said I.U as she grabbed his arm and dragged him out.Axel was still in the garbage can,spying, he saw I.U drag Reno out of the Cafe, but to him it didnt look like she was dragging Reno.

    "There holding hand's now!" Whispered Axel, peeking his face out of the garbage can."That Green-Haired nerd is gonna pay for this!" He jumped out of the can and started to follow them.

    Axel followed them to a small park where they got some Ice Cream together."Now it's Ice Cream!" Said Axel."Look at them, laughing and smiling...well not for long, not when I get my hand's on that thief!" Axel sneeked closer to them so he could hear what they were talking about.

    "This Ice Cream is great!" Said Reno cheerfully.

    "Hey Reno?"Asked I.U."Do you smell something?" I.U looked around to see if anyone was near them.

    "Now that you ask, I did smell something kinda bad..." Replied Reno.

    Axel jumped and backed up so they wouldnt smell nor see him.He hid behind a large tree and sighed as he watched the love of his life talk with a Green-Haired nerd.I.U looked back and saw Axel peek his head out then fastly hide it again.

    "Oh, so that's what the smell was..." Whispered I.U.

    "Hey I.U,thank's for having lunch with me" Said Reno as he slipped his arm around her shoulder and held her tight.Just then a giant rock came flying from behind Reno and hit him in the head.Reno fell to the ground as his head begin to bleed.

    "Oh great!" Said I.U as she looked back at Axel."You Idiot! What hell did you do that for!" She yelled."Look! look what you did to Reno!" Said I.U as she pointed at the poor boy on the ground.

    "W-well he asked for it!" Shouted Axel."He was planing to rape you! I know it!"

    "Rape me, like hell he did, Reno's the last person on earth to ever do such a thing!" Replied I.U

    As they both yelled at eachother, Reno still sat there bleeding, his glasses were broken and his eye's in swirls.Reno finally got up and looked at Axel.

    "Axel! Thank goooodness your here..."Said Reno as he tryed to get up."Some one tried to killl me, with a rock!" He said as he held the wepon in his hand's."You neeed you get them before they hurt some one else"

    Axel watched as Reno tryed several time's to get up, but he failed every time.I.U gave Axel an evil glare and helped Reno up.They took him to the hospital and Axel drove him home after words.When I.U and Axel got home she asked him why he was following them.

    "It's because Coey said you guy's were...dating...." Muttered Axel.

    "And you listened? Coey's to young to understand anything about dating, why'd you take it seriously?"

    "Coey said she thought that they were dating, so dont blame this on her!" Hissed Aron.

    "Were not trying to blame this on Coey" Said Axel

    I.U sighed as she watched Axel and Aron fight on who was to balme for this mess.