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lazieee's avatar

Registered: 04/24/2007

Gender: Female

Location: in my lounge room :D

Birthday: 09/24/1988

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Taiyo Jouten Report | 07/13/2010 9:53 pm
Taiyo Jouten
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If you've recieved this, then you've either visited our game item store on the forums, or one of our personal MP stores. I apologize if this pic's not working. It doesn't like some profile codes, and I can't seem to fix it. This is a thank you banner, not spam. Credit for this banner goes to Sashafey.
Whysteria Report | 05/17/2009 4:06 pm
so do u even get on gaia anymore? i havent seen u on or anything.i would supose not since u said gaia isnt fun anymore in your status but that makes me sad.i enjoyed talking to you.
deathreaper02 Report | 01/03/2009 4:50 am
well I will get bak online WEN U GOT BAK ON MSN

Death: I really miss u stephy-chan User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image
Dark-Seph_Liam Report | 11/28/2008 9:15 pm
Hmm, I think it was about 400k in 3 and a half weeks, then I started playing an online RPG and got addicted to that instead =P

Gave a load away and spent most of it on my kitty, lol. I get bored of things too easily ^^
x_lHoLLoWl_x Report | 11/26/2008 10:06 am
yor welcome
Vanilla_Flavored_Pocky Report | 11/26/2008 9:54 am
Tee-hee your very welcome! ^^ You have great art skill and it's good that your showing it to the world User Image
Dark-Seph_Liam Report | 11/24/2008 9:22 pm
true, I never go on gaia much ^^

made a heap of gold, then got bored lol =P
Whysteria Report | 11/22/2008 4:21 pm
well then austrialia is out : P canada, france or the UK it is then. i hate it cuz its turning to crap.our health insurance is crap, they will find any reason to refuse any treatment u might need. in canada and the uk they have universal health care with slightly higher willing to pay $10 or $20 more in taxes each check if that means i can go to the doctor for free and get all the treatment i need when im sick without my insurance company telling me a medicine isnt medicly nesicary -.- our new president Barak Obama is suposed to be changing everything for the better but there r way to many ppl that would not allow america to become a socialist society so im just trying to get out. dont ever move here.visiting is ok but moving here is out of the question lol
Whysteria Report | 11/22/2008 3:51 pm
didnt think u had a food lion lol just a food store nothin fancy about it. nad ur kiddin me on social security number right? u dont have a social security number? that is so incredibly weird lol but i guess i need to know that i wont need one when i finaly get out of this god forsaken country. i hate the USA with a passion.born and raised here sadly -.- hey do u have universal health care in austrailia (i didnt spell that right did i?>< wink and its weird that the US gets all the good stuff 1st.if im gunna move out im gunna have to get like $1000 in gaia cash since i dont like using my credit card lol
Whysteria Report | 11/22/2008 3:34 pm
weird that theres no walmart.maybe its just weird cuz i grew up with walmart lol and food lion. i bet u dont have a food lion either huh? and the pretending thing wont work cuz they ask for ur social securtiy number to verify that ur ovr 18 so ud have to drive ur parents nuts to get one : P or u can tell u dad 'heres $10 now let me use ur credit card hoe!' lol skip the hoe part though haha i remember when i had to nag my parents for sum10.i always won though cuz i would nvr drop it and they would get so annyed to the point they would be like 'Fine do whatever u want sheesh!' hehehe



please buy? D':


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If you wanna draw me, just comment or pm!!
Same if you want me to draw you!

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- Stephy
- 16
- Music takes over my life
- Art IS my life.
- Has a p***s.

- Anime/Manga
- Old school videogames (SNES/NITENDO/SEGA/PSX)
- Cartoons
- Horror/Thriller
- Spikey hair.
- Japanese. biggrin
- Drawing
- Having a p***s wink

- Artist Block
- Pink
- Caves
- Heights (although its awesome. I just hate the shaky feeling)
- My family biggrin


I... am.... a.... GIRL! XD

If you don't believe me, feel free to call me Steven 8D

and yeah thats all i have for now 8D


donate plz? XD

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Nagomi-chan!!!! Waaaaah so cute! (Akane-iro ni somaru saka)

Stephys playlist.

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