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StoopidAnchovy's avatar

Last Login: 02/13/2012 2:24 pm

Registered: 12/20/2006

Gender: Female

Birthday: 05/09


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Nurunuru Report | 12/12/2010 4:16 pm
jhfgjfdjf HEY
Sulley OMalley Report | 06/11/2010 3:01 pm
Well, you're quite welcome. :>

And thank you, she is might warm.

It is SUMMER, after all. B]
Miss Fester Report | 06/04/2009 6:42 pm
Oh, I'm flattered! Thank y--oh god, your profile is amazing.
Dj mantis Report | 04/28/2009 12:40 pm
Sukomo Report | 04/24/2009 8:00 pm
oh thank you TTnTT
I will keep to those rules I promise :3
joce_funkytownXD Report | 04/18/2009 5:05 pm
it was really good and thanx so much for sending the larger version for me^.^
CrimsonMao Report | 02/27/2009 1:29 am razz olish-alphabet.png&filetimestamp=20050210234623

u've got it here >D 32 letters. u know, that i can understand some russian even without learning it? slavonic languages are are similar. but Russian alphabet is horrible.

heh. im learning japanese and it is easier >D

but, u should know, that Europeans and other not-english people, even when they complain about learning sooooo many languages, they know more languages than english people xD

cause for example some americans know, that english is the most useful and they'll be able to to reach an agreement in most countries, so they dont learn more languages!

u know, that frog was named as a *land fish* in some documents? because it lives in water and in land lollllz. sometimes politicians which think that they're scientists are crazy noobs.

gingerbread art?O_O i'll try to find sth. Some gingerbreads are made with use of some wooden hmm thinks (?) in which the design of it is cutted.
CrimsonMao Report | 02/26/2009 12:28 am
it isnt an accent. for example *s* and *ś* arent accented, but they are other letters.

if my english was here, id send u how to read it 'cause all ur signs which shows how-to-read-it are strange for me >.<

omg. french always say that we eat things that are uneatable

for example dill pickles, however is it named. it is *concombre a'la Polaco* or sth like that xDDD


I'm from city which they are from, but if rly they are from here, i dont know...

there is a Day of Gingerbread too >D
CrimsonMao Report | 02/25/2009 3:09 am
no. it isnt >.>

but now i have my winter holidays ^^ and im sooo lazyyy...

yeA, I've got MSN, my mail is and I dont know which of it is my login lolllz.

thanks that u like my avi ^^ *OR DONT U, HĘĘ??*

today we've got christian celebration, but idk what is it named in english. here, the name of it is *Środa Popielcowa*. U know, we dont eat meat etc.
CrimsonMao Report | 02/24/2009 12:35 am



I draw. Sometimes.


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