Viewing kitsune-domen's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online


kitsune-domen's avatar

Registered: 07/05/2006

Gender: Male

Birthday: 02/25/1990


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don't wanna miss a thing: big mouth, fab coat. want it...aerosmith. great ride in disney world.

what i'm currently sportin'

obscure unedited- not for the pert of heart -_-;; (i live off this s**t)

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the police- i'll be watching you


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G'DAY PEEPS! I'm gonna tell you about my self.

i KNOOOW i don't come on much. If you really wanna chat- i'm on all the time. my name is DOMEN there. There is lots o' orange- you can't miss me. also- my MSN messenger is ANYWHO I'd love to hear from you all. But gaia has been tearing at my nerves and the avis aren't appealing to me anymore. D: they're stumpy.

~music is life.
~i like Jrock the best
~rock music is my happy place
~i like obscure music from all sorts of countries
~yes, i'm a dude that sucks at videogames
~i read mangas and manhwas
~i draw comics
~i love randomness
~i've been known to enjoy... pigeons...
~please use lame pick up lines on me >:3
~i've taken japanese for 4 years and French for 1
~i love gifts (prime way to win me over)
~i am really very hard to anger, i'm very laid back
~i dislike to capitalize
~i like fishing with my face
~i like grammar but may spell incorrectly sometimes
~i don't like to be corrected
~i like scary movies
~if you like JTHM, i like you
~i draw avi art. contact me about it, there are examples at the bottom of my profile.
~i'm not from earth
~i loooove the color orange
~i like stupid humor (family guy, south park, etc.)
~i love to rp
~i'm legal
~i play the electric violin and electric guitar
~i hate poetry (usually)
~i break for astrology smart people
~i can never get enough of mythology
~i'm fascinated with astronomy
~i wear eyeliner (sometimes)
~chances of me meeting you/showing you pictures of my face/ anything else to that effect are s**t low
~i love vampires (namely the vampire armand (anne rice whoo!))
~i hate werewolfs
~i hate to argue and i hate confrontation
~i can be emotionless a lot of the time
~i don't often check my comments and PMs, cause i've ultimately quit this site.

my name is DOMEN on solia online. please look me up there heart

BTW I DO AVI ART! There are examples at the bottom of my profile, pm and contact me. :3

issues- mindless self indulgence I saw them in concert march 30th :D

I luff comments. Give'em to me.

View All Comments

kitsune-domen Report | 04/04/2011 2:40 pm
dud my profile sux.
lastforever09 Report | 03/30/2011 10:21 pm
lol hi
faerieboi Report | 02/05/2011 4:26 pm
Holy hell, I didn't think anyone who knew me before was still on. Hi!
david5444 Report | 11/05/2010 5:41 pm
cool cool sounds like ur liveing ur dream lol jk or am i idk u anser that well if u want to call me my nnumber is 214 504 6707 give me a call or a text if u want do u no what wood be funny if u got all moved in then the next day u woood have to move out cuz something stupid happend lol woodent that be a pain int he a** hahahah well i hope i get to see u more budy if i spelld that right lol o well um hey do u like the band creed if u havent look it up on its pretty cool i like it i hope u and ur roomate dont kill eathothere and if u fergot 214 504 6707 is my number dude talk to me sometime i wonder if gaia will ever do something cool hmmmmmmm
Ms. Black eyeliner Report | 10/24/2010 12:55 am
cool avi
david5444 Report | 10/20/2010 5:39 pm
dude give me ur number so we can talk and stuff oh and im glad u remeber me so whats ur number and haved u moved yet
Sorceress_of_Ice Report | 07/14/2010 7:39 pm
You called me!!? My phone broke so you might have called during that time >.>
Thank you :3.
When is the concert?
I am not driving yet...but I am working on it^^.
I'll call asap!
Atomic_Chaos129 Report | 07/06/2010 7:54 am
OMg Domen XD thank you =) how have you been? .i haven't heard from you in awhile XD
Witchery Way Report | 06/06/2010 4:52 am

You Know My Dad?!

I'm One Of His Daughters! (Obviously)
david5444 Report | 06/05/2010 6:23 am
yea im fine i kida like thiss account better so fare i got over 100,000 gold in just the 3 days i was trying to get gold if i dident take a breack i wood have more

Chthonic: taiwanese metal band


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i drew this heart pm me or message me domen loves everyone!
((Questing for furugasa 1st gen: DONATED! by te awesome EVOLESSL <3


magnificent art drawn by melon-san!