So, you want to know about me? I shall inform you in list format. :3
Some Things I Love:-Friends and family. What would I do without them? Though sometimes I think I know too many people.
-Dressing eccentrically. Gothic-ly for example. I love fishnets.
-Pentagrams. Werewolf, thief's, druid's, ect. Not the satanic downward facing ones. No, I am not a Satan worshipper.
-Werewolves. Love them to death. I'm a werewolf! (Hence, the nickname Wolfie)
-Vampires. They aren't as cool as werewolves though.
-Thieves. Pretty much the best occupation of all time. Especially to roleplay with or write about.
-Pirates. Alright, tied for the best occupation of all time.
I love Jack Sparrow.-Assassins. This one's tied too.
-Thief/Assassin Werewolves who used to be pirates. (ha.)
-Music. I love music. I'm addicted to my iPod. I'm particularly fond of rock, metal and alternative.
-Movies. Fantasy, Horror, Action, Sci-Fi. I like scary movies a lot. And bloody movies too. :3
-Books. I consume books. Favorite genres are typically fantasy, sci-fi, and horror.
-Roleplaying. It's really fun making up stories with people. You never know what to expect.
-Writing. I'm writing a book. I'm going to be a famous author you know.
-Drawing. I love it. Fun, fun, fun. Lets loose steam, you know?
-The colors purple, black and red.
-Animals. Trust me, they are a whole lot better than us humans. And I love my Zooful of pets too.
-World domination... MUH HA HA HA HA! *coughhack*
-Gaia. Fun. Roleplaying is there. :3
-Office supplies. I don't know why. Random fetish I guess. Tape is my favorite office supply. :3
-Hamster treats. They taste really good, okay? x3 I was dared once to eat one, and now I love them. haha.
Some Things I Hate:-Global warming. Take care of our planet already.
-Stupid people.
-Drama caused by people. It stresses me out. :[
-People who challenge me in some way and expect to win... (haha.)
-People who do win. I WILL DESTROY YOU!
-People who don't think I will bite or claw them when I threaten to. I will. Trust me. >:]
-Fakes and phonies. Just be yourself already.
-People who judge and stereotype. Especially those who do it to me. I don't fit in anywhere, and I like it. >:[
-People in general. Of course there are exceptions.
-Monkeys. The only animals I hate. Probably because they are too much like people. The little lemur things are alright though. They're more like squirrels.
-Clowns. They scare the crap out of me. Mimes are okay... and certain clowns like the Joker and Eric Draven's clown/mime getup from the Crow are okay. But the pink rainbow medley and huge fake smiles? *shudders*
-Vampires. Yes, I both love and hate them, okay? Geez. Need I explain? Everyone argues over which race is better. Werewolves are the obvious answer.
-Text talk in roleplays or places other than cell phones in general. Type out your damn words people.
-Illiteracy. It annoys me.
-Long drives. I drive ten hours every other weekend, isn't that enough?
Now you know. Feel free to send me a friend request or a PM. Got a good roleplay I could join? Send me a link! Meh luff roleplayz. :3
I draw avi arts. PM me!

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Meanwhile, Berk, Marcello's worst enemy, came into the house and was with Enya. This made Berk mad and they had a verbal argument till Enya got in the way and they went separate ways. Marcello went to play soccer with Deng and Vannity joined them. Luke decided to do Vannity's shopping for an upcoming party at the Zodiac Mansion.
Then is time skip and first day of school. Enya woke up and went to Marcello's room to throw a bucket of ice on his face to wake him up and she went down the kitchen waiting for him to make her breakfast.
I am going to time skip to the first day of school so I really hope that this time you'll post and be there B| So reply when you see this!!!
The hot stuff that was going on was the tiny face-off between Marcello and Berk.
The first noticeable thing that happened was Rabby using his mic on murderous volume
and shouted on top of his lungs on it while he was outside, almost shaking the house.
And now everyone's kinda separated in ways. I'll give you something better~
Because I need help here and I want to adopt your writing style for this x'D... this is so selfish of me. I should be ashamed!