I'm going to fill this gap with useless nonsense, because it looks so damned akward with this huge blank space. It really does.
So here I go.
Hi. I'm BE. Not BE! - BE is all. The exclamation point is because remaking the original BE is nigh impossible, as I must make a name involving three letters. This saddens me to great extent.
sad I draw s**t. If you like people drawing s**t for you, PM me. I charge goldz for this drawn s**t, good times.
I'm also an avid WoW player - my main is a Tauren Warrior on Shattered Hand. If you're a Horde player, I have an all-Horde guild that I run, because you know what?
Alliance suck.I enjoy fishing, bicycling, snorkeling, saving princesses from peril, underwater basket weaving, long walks on beaches, walking over hot coals, extreme body piercing, demolition, base jumping, babies, hot weather, boy bands and poodles.
But not really.
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