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Princess Castella

Princess Castella's avatar

Birthday: 01/10


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Female, 19, nerdy, etc. Got questions? ASK 'EM.


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Murakumo Unit Report | 05/15/2013 6:41 pm
Murakumo Unit
Why u get on den get off.
The Pathless One Report | 01/24/2012 11:04 am
The Pathless One
I didn't even know that you commented o.o
And yeah > . <
That's why I lie about how much I have lol
This morning, some girl asked me to donate.
What I realized is that every girl that asked me to
donate, they all typed EXACTLY the same.. which means
it's the same person on different accounts.
I'm about to delete them anyways.
They drive me crazy.
And... *forgets what you said* Uhhh o.o
*Goes back and reads and then comes back again
to finish the comment*
Yeah, I should do the same before adding others.
I was only gonna add people 18+ but that failed lol
Because I was in so much drama with 3 people
but I deleted them after months of torture and I'm finally
peaceful again : D lol
But that's good. At least it don't make Gaia much more boring >. <
(Gaia is very addicting o.o)
The Pathless One Report | 01/23/2012 8:08 pm
The Pathless One
You're welcome. I'll send it in a minute >.<
& Omfg, really?
What a b***h.
The girl(s) that ask me to donate, I'd tell them no.
Or "I no longer donate"
and then the next day, they ask me again. I'm like...
or they'd ask me how much gold I'd have.
Probably to see how much I could donate to them.
I lie and say I only have 10k XD
I currently have 2.5mil until I give you the 520k.
& Lmfao. That happened to me once. The doctor was young though.
Probably my age.. so I got more scared has he put his hand up my shirt.
I could of sworn I felt him grab one of my boobs > . >
But that's not as bad as what the nurse did. lol
The Pathless One Report | 01/23/2012 7:48 pm
The Pathless One
I'll send trade. I'll gives 520k > . < I has 2.5mil again lol
& I like helping, like I said.
Hey, that helped me get close to HOTD.
Which I sold.. and.. used that gold to buy things
for my friends for Christmas... but I didn't get everyone something.
This b***h kept asking to donate.
Now.. only to HER and all the other accounts she has..
I just say "No. I no longer donate" xD
But I donate just as much as you probably would.
Or I'm just too... "nice" > . < I gotta stop being so nice lol!
& He just gets a cold and he talks like Ozzy xD
& right now, my body just feels weak and I'm shaking a lot.
& I feel light-headed.
Might be because I haven't eaten or I'm lying on the couch too long.
I still feel ashamed of what the nurse did D;
The Pathless One Report | 01/23/2012 7:21 pm
The Pathless One
I had 2.5mil gold then, so I helped by getting the items for her.
even ones that she didn't have, but they were for her dream avi.
Just wanted to help, really.
& Yesh, yesh she is : D
&& wow.
That's why I make sure I put in the right price before putting it up.
I can give you the gold that you lost from that situation, though.
I has some gold. Even though I'm saving for Mini Angel Wings.
Which I might never get : D
& I hate it when they're like that. Like, they can't just pay up the rest
of it, since it was a mistake?
At least you weren't asking for the item back.
& My dad sounds like Ozzy when hes sick xD
The Pathless One Report | 01/22/2012 11:16 pm
The Pathless One
lol I cry. Well, in this situation I would cry.
I'd be like "I want mommy!" or "I want this to stop!"
I mostly said that I wanted my mom.
I feel more comfortable when my mom is near.
She'd comfort me whenever I start to cry
&&.. I'm 20 and I still cry for my mom lol
The only reason why I would cry is when I feel like
I'm going to get sick. Because like... I never throw
up. I probably only did twice in my whole life.
Once probably 4 years ago when I had the stomach virus.
Then probably when I was 5.
& Lmfao xD My dad is like Ozzy Osbourne when hes sick.
& the nurse had to.. stick something inside of me o.e
(A liquid to help me feel better)
That's why I was uncomfortable.
&& thankies. Again xD My Gaia sis gave me the monkey
since I helped her get her items back from being hacked.
The Pathless One Report | 01/21/2012 10:49 am
The Pathless One
I kinda am.
Went to the hospital AGAIN. > .< They found out what was wrong though.
So I ish happy! *Claps* But I'm embarrassed at what was causing me to be this way o.o"
The nurse had to do something to me D; I was very uncomfortable with it.
But that time, my stomach WAS hurting. If only I said my stomach was hurting the
first time, I'd be getting better a lot sooner.
& yeah lol Burping did help.
Exams suck D; < I always hated them.
&& Awwww I'm so sowwy ;n;
But you're right. It is hard.
angelababy107 Report | 01/21/2012 8:31 am
lol. Thanks
Katsura Kotonnoha Report | 01/21/2012 6:55 am
Katsura Kotonnoha
Oh hey. The name of the anime is Berserk. The anime is no good, though. I recommend reading the manga because the anime stops at vol 13 in the manga and there are 35 volumes so far. However, There is a new anime in the making and it is looking to be pretty good. Here's a link to the trailer: The series is basically about the Guts' journey to take revenge upon a friend of his that betrayed him. What happens is really sad. Lots of action, blood, gore, etc. Read up to vol 13 and you'll see. Volume 13 is where all the s**t goes down.
The Pathless One Report | 01/18/2012 7:26 pm
The Pathless One
I know. It's so cute c:
& It just feels like I'm gonna get sick to my stomach.
The odd thing about it is, my stomach is perfectly fine.
I just have this feeling in my throat as if something is stuck.
Which is making me feel like I'm gonna get sick.
& my stomach is filled with bubbles (gas bubbles) O.o
So I'm basically burping like crazy right now lol
Thanks & I think it's that stomach virus. A 24 hour flu.
I don't have that. Kinda wish I did since it's 24 hours.
& Awwww. I'm so sorry. I hope he gets better too.



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