Viewing Baby Sister Naru's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


i am who i am, nothing more nothing less. i have a fimily. then i have MY FAMILY. my family is who i live for. my friends are my heart and soul. when all else fails... get big brother ooben... he"ll kick their a**! never under any circumstances shall a person go to a prep for help. i amated by many and loved by the rest. there is no use in hiding your feelings from me(for some odd reason i can feel when your upset). i know more than the average person. i black out quite a bit. i dont have a.d.d(which spells add btw) but it is really hard for me to concentraite. i have four moods, Drunk, Happy-hyper, Depressed, and Pissed. i cant spell worth a damn, and music feeds my soul. my heart is easily broken, but i can survive the worst, so bring it on. love me or hate me.

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u better like the profile!
or i ill beat u with a axe
jk jk
im saving the axe for page
well i love you
see ya later*

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Viewing 10 of 17 comments.

pink cupcake1

Report | 06/02/2009 6:28 pm

pink cupcake1 did kitty know i want to rape u
lol jkjk

raven vampire baby

Report | 05/22/2009 4:13 pm

raven vampire baby

*pets your head* cataru. calm thyself. was that around hte time of diabola? ps, olivia wants to rape you
raven vampire baby

Report | 04/01/2009 7:28 pm

raven vampire baby

he IS pretty amazing for a monkey...
*reaches over and rubs his fuzzy head, listening to the clinking of him wagging his tail*
he loves his head to be rubbed smile tis quite fuzzy, it is.... ^_^
pink cupcake1

Report | 03/28/2009 9:53 am

pink cupcake1

yea i have no time

im so busy doing lots off stuff
raven vampire baby

Report | 03/26/2009 1:57 pm

raven vampire baby

*laughs and watches as the noodles in teh bowl start to disappear in mouthfuls* enrique is insanely amusing... *hears enrique's tail clinking as he walks over to you, starts to hug you, then decides to not let go and clings to you for dear life* he's a very loving creature haha i think he likes you
raven vampire baby

Report | 03/26/2009 1:10 pm

raven vampire baby

*smiles* isn't he amazing? *enrique's tail makes clinking noises as he wags it back and forth* he loves hugs... and ramen. he loves ramen.
raven vampire baby

Report | 03/26/2009 12:55 pm

raven vampire baby

*brings out an adorable fuzzy monkey with a long chain tail that lcinks when he walks* this is enrique. you can't see him because he's invisible. but he has a very fuzzy head!!! *starts rubbing enriques fuzzy head*
raven vampire baby

Report | 03/26/2009 12:54 pm

raven vampire baby

*smirks* adorable <3333 i love you too
raven vampire baby

Report | 03/21/2009 9:39 pm

raven vampire baby

i's FABULOUS! wanna meet enrique? he's my pet invisible monkey with a chain tail...
pink cupcake1

Report | 03/21/2009 4:38 pm

pink cupcake1

hehe no naru im sorry