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Heey , i'm Cec . I am 14 , live in theee USA bby(: I love the beach, my friends&&family , god, my dogs, & crazzzy kid cartoons like Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. I absolutely adore cheese, & i'm totallly a kid at heart . Don't mess with me, or you'll soon find yourself looking at parts of you you've never seen, such as your guts :p Please DO NOT ask me to go out with you, I do not date ppl over the interneeeet !! I wanna be able to hug you, not this --> (: However, I'll gladly be friends with you . I don't go by my full name on gaia..but i'm starting nicknames.. Call mee Candy ! (within my username..hahaaa)

More about Candy:
I came into this world kickin' && screamin on November 13th I am crazzy about music && thee computer My username is xjustlikecandyx cuz
I am sweeeet like candy <3 I have the greatest friends, awesome family & 2 wonderful beagle dogs .
I come from a wackk family but I love them toooo death & i'd die for everyone of them crazzzy beotches !
I'm gonna be a freshmaan thiss year ! EEK biggrin I'm a cross between a girly girl & a tomboyy-nerd, anythingg really .

There's some people out there who try to kick you when your down . Don't let them get to you like they did me for years . I've wasted so much energy on those haters..It's not worth it . I don't take it anymore , and if you have something to say to me, say it to my face and not behind my backk . If you are a hater, Don't waste YOUR time on me, because you won't get this girl , you'll just get hurt (:
Peacee <3

leave mee stuff :)

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xXKittyXKikyoXx Report | 11/10/2010 6:36 pm
I agree.
Braces do suck. gonk
xXSprinkl3d_MuffinzXx Report | 05/07/2009 3:39 pm
Ha hiya whee
OMG i just took ur comment virginity
sweet xD
srry im kinda weird like dat....
but w/e so wassup?

myy store !

Welcome to my store, CaNdY's JuNkHoUsE ! Look, but don't touch & if you break it, YOU buy it !

*Plz don't PM me or comment the profile with comments saying "Thanks 4 buying" it's really annoying and
frankly I don't care.
-I usually wont thank you, but on the off chance I do, be grateful . razz

*Feel free to trade me with donations of gold or items, I do appreciate every little bit (:
-I am working on my dream aviiis , & I would love to help you too...though I'm a little low on the dough biggrin

Thanks for your contributions, greatly appreciated !!!


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welcome <3

xjustlikecandyx's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 11/13

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Welcome to myy profile (:

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My simple,
dreaaam avii

Heeey ! PM mee or comment if youuu wanna be friends (: This is a..kindaa old gaia account I haven't reallly used, so don't hesitate to help me get started ! I have veeery few friends, low gold, and no tickets and little clothes . I am always open for friendship, but not relationshipss . ***ADD*** (:

Add Meeee ! <33

Me n my new friend Kitty (: