Viewing azngirlJD's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Hi ppls! Im Jade and i live in Australia and i love watching anime and reading manga. I have many favorite colours but most would be dark blue and black. Well if u want to know more of me then meet me! whee


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Total Value: 2,053,137 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Fallen Wish 10th Gen.
Fallen Wish 10th Gen.
Gold Bracelet
Holy Gauntlets
Hermes' Moon
Hermes' Moon
Hermes' Moon
Staff of the Angels
Mona the Platypus
Mythic Hair
Hermes' Moon
Hermes' Moon

User Image
Total Value: 8,930,001 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Enchanted Book 7th Gen.
Enchanted Book 6th Gen.
Enchanted Book
Fallen Wish 9th Gen.
Fallen Wish 3rd Gen.
Fallen Wish 5th Gen.
Mercury's Moon
Mercury's Moon
Mercury's Moon
Mercury's Moon
Mercury's Moon
Mercury's Moon
Silver Tiara With Sapphire
Silver Promise Ring
Enchanted Book 7th Gen.

User Image
Total Value: 211,378 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Oculus Mythica
Satin Hairbow
Magical Girl's Lovely Heart Gloves
Magical Girl
Magical Girl
Magical Girl's Black Uniform
Magical Girl's Black Uniform
Magical Girl's Black Uniform
Magical Girl's Black Uniform
Magical Girl

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Total Value: 2,414,053 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Gothic Veil
Gimpi 5th gen.
Gimpi 2nd gen.
Gimpi 6th gen.
Gimpi 7th gen.
Gimpi 2nd gen.
Gimpi 5th gen.
Gimpi 3rd gen.

User Image
Total Value: 784,267 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Alruna's Rose 14th Gen
Alruna's Rose 4th Gen
Alruna's Rose 2nd Gen
Black and Gold Oversized Bangles
Vampire's Bat Swarm
Vampire's Blood Moon
Vampire Hunter Hat
Gothic Veil
Gothic Veil
Gothic Veil
Gothic Veil
Gothic Veil

User Image
Total Value: 723,914 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Jenny's Secretive Open-Toe Shoes
Western Zodiac
Prom Monarch's Crown
Prom Monarch's Collar
Inari's Beads
Black Flow Prom Dress
Summoning Tome
Summoning Tome
Summoning Tome
Summoning Tome

User Image
Total Value: 2,094,809 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Oculus Mythica
Death Whisper (6th gen)
Alruna's Rose 8th Gen
Archangel's Blade
Wed to Darkness
Wed to Darkness
Wed to Darkness
Wed to Darkness
Wed to Darkness
Berry White Gathered Tavern Wench's Skirt
Alruna's Rose 2nd Gen
Infernal Spirit 5th Gen
Fiery Crimson Glamorous Pumps

User Image
Total Value: 712,206 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Dreamer's Dust
Oculus Mythica
Fallen Wish
Radiant Prism
Radiant Prism
Dreamer's Dust
Dreamer's Dust
Dreamer's Dust
Dreamer's Dust
Dreamer's Dust

User Image
Total Value: 874,557 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Yama no Tamago 2nd Gen.
Pure White Sweet Lace Knee Socks
Buddhist Monk's Straw Sandals
Cherry Blossom
Cherry Blossom
Blue Uchiwa Fan
Inari's Beads 12th Gen
Inari's Beads
Enchanted Strings
Royal Kimono
Geisha Makeup
Blue Geisha Wig

User Image
Total Value: 6,621,300 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Summoning Tome
Straw Hat
Frostbite Blade
Vampire's Blood Moon
Super Powers
Oculus Mythica
Let it Snow
Dark Monk's Robe
Dark Star
White Polar Expedition Boots
Colonial Stockings

User Image
Total Value: 4,977,240 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Dreamer's Dust
Dreamer's Dust
Kokutan the Demon Cat
Black Album
Magical Girl's Black Uniform
Magical Girl's Black Uniform
Magical Girl
Magical Girl's Lovely Heart Gloves
Blue Middle School Uniform Top
Blue Middle School Skirt
Black Neko Cosplay
Black Neko Cosplay
Black Neko Cosplay

thats all of them! (so many... @.@)

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these i put on to show... cause it takes too much money! bwahahahahaha!

oh.. could u help me with this? ive wanted this for a long time D:
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but im poor =_= and yes that is my fault... u could at least just donate 1 gold and i will be glad u helped whee

These r my nekos :3
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I've adopted a neko!
Name: Ketsune Shiro
Likes: Me, friends, fish, outdoors etc
Dont like: noise, dogs and random ppl
Owner: azngirlJD
You can adopt one too!

Adopt One!

User Image
I've adopted a neko!
Name: L kun
Likes: sweets, me and friends
Dont like: killers, dogs and random ppl adding his owner
Owner: azngirlJD
You can adopt one too!

Adopt One!

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I've adopted a neko!
Name: Itsukii
Likes: cats, me, friends and food
Dont like: dogs, randoms
Owner: azngirlJD
You can adopt one too!

Adopt One!

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I've adopted a neko!
Name: Ashima Hido
Likes: me, fish, outdoors
Dont like: dogs, strangers
Owner: azngirlJD
You can adopt one too!

Adopt One!

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I've adopted a neko!
Name: Tsukiyomi Ikuto kun
Likes: me, grass, sleeping
Dont like: noise, strangers
Owner: azngirlJD
You can adopt one too!

Adopt One!

im rly obessed with the boy nekos arent i? whee


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dance domokun! dance! xd
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omg sasori with glasses? *o*
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DONT CHA? plz praise UmIz cause she gave me that pic to me! and dont give me the credit =_=
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hes so cute! (in a baby way and maybe the hot way too 8D)
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hes kinda hot too >8D

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im hiding behind one of them and try to guess who >8D sorry for taking that pic itachi, sasuke and tobi 8D u were afk XD

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my super duper long shadow XD

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im the one doing an L >:]

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im the one with the nokia phone >XD i like keeping my identity a se~cret~! ;D
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this is another one thats better XD and again im the one with the nokia phone! ;D
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my friends love heart its so purty XD
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im the one in the middle! XD


Viewing 12 of 109 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

o Trix o

Report | 10/10/2011 5:31 am

o Trix o

lol after 3 years of not replying ahahaha! smile

Report | 07/28/2011 10:13 am


wats up?

Report | 05/02/2011 9:40 am


oh forgot I used to be Tobi remember?

Report | 05/02/2011 9:35 am


HI long no talk how you been? biggrin biggrin

Report | 01/29/2011 6:16 am


hey wats up its me darkness6191234 biggrin
missy hotomi

Report | 08/17/2010 7:50 am

missy hotomi

Hi, I am Teddy. Once you read this you cannot get out. Finish reading this until it is done! As I said, I am Teddy. I am 7 years old. I have no eyes and blood all over my face. I am dead. If you don’t send this to at least 12 people I will come to your house at midnight and I‘ll hide under your bed. When you’re asleep, I’ll kill you. Don’t believe me? Case 1 Patty Buckles Got this e-mail. She doesn’t believe in chain letters. Well, Foolish Patty. She was sleeping when her TV started flickering on and off. Now she’s not with us anymore. Ha ha patty, Ha ha! You don’t want to be like Patty, do you? Case 2 George M. Simon Hates chain mail, but he didn’t want to die that night. He sent it to 4 people. Not good enough George. Now, George is in a coma, we don’t know if he’ll ever wake up. Ha ha George, Ha ha! Now, do you want to be like George? Case 3 Valarie Tyler She got this letter. Another chain letter she thought. Only had 7 people to send to. Well, That night when she was having a shower she saw bloody Mary in the mirror. It was the BIGGEST fright of her life. Valarie is scarred for life. Case 4 Derek Minse This is the final case I’ll tell you about. Well, Derek was a smart person. He sent it to 12 people. Later that day, he found a $100.00 bill on the ground. He was premoted to head officer at his job and his girlfriend said yes to his purposal. Now, Katie and him are living happily ever after. They have 2 beautiful children. Send this to at least 12 people or you’ll face the consequences. 0 people- You will die tonight 1-6 people- you will be injured 7-11 people- you will get the biggest fright of your life 12 and over- you are safe and you will have a good fortune! Do What Teddy Says!!!! Hurry, you must send to 12 people before midnight tonight

Report | 06/09/2010 12:29 am


doesnt sassori dies saw it in an ep lol too ad for him and jiraya dies too

Report | 05/17/2010 1:24 am


rofl wtf xD

Report | 03/27/2010 8:27 am


.Yup I still remember you razz .
.I rarely go OL, too busy with a lot of things sorry razz .
tobi alkia

Report | 01/01/2010 5:07 pm

tobi alkia



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