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TheCottageWitch's avatar

Registered: 02/28/2005

Gender: Female

Location: under teh covers.

Birthday: 10/01


Vintage Gaia User

Gaia OG, joined in 2005.

Full disclosure, I am in my 30s. I started playing here when I was a teenager and through my college years. I just checked back in out of curiosity to see what's up.

RP Disclaimer: Characters are just for fun and creativity. If any flirting occurs in context, please know it is just that, I am married and am not looking for any kind of online, irl, or parasocial relationship. ✌

Long ago I used to run a charity thread, it's no longer active, but if you're curious what I used to get up to back in the day this is it: Somnium Charity

[Interests listed are not current, just keeping them for the archive.]


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[ N a m ! ] Report | 12/08/2012 8:05 am
[ N a m ! ]
Rukkkyyy Report | 03/28/2011 5:13 pm
Hey Cam do you still want bugs?
I'm doing spring cleaning lol..
Kanokos Nightmares Report | 09/26/2010 1:35 am
Kanokos Nightmares

*hugz cam*

Tatsutoshime Report | 09/23/2010 11:41 am
also-what drama? it was manufactured!
Tatsutoshime Report | 09/23/2010 11:26 am
i appologize for my last post, i was trying to make a joke. sorry i have no sence of humor. also sorry for posting about at the same time you did, making me seem like i was in the wrong.
but at one point it did feel like you were ignoring your rule-perhaps i simply misinterpereted your post on that subjet.
altho, that one time you were 'talking about me behind my back as if i weren't there (anot 3 pages ago) hurt!
anyway, it's not as if your prized are that much. but if i did are only for gaia gold, wouldn't i have asked for a donation the moment your new thread apeared?

anyway...whatever. i have more important things to deal with then your thread-irl i am working and dealing with seting up a great anime con for this weekend.
irl trumps you. and anime trumps aa lot of other stuff, really.

i have noted before that we cannot seem to get along, but you trying to be 'nice' has the opposite effect, and i can't post more then whay, twice without upseting you some-frelling-how, which i don't MEAN to do but can't not. unles i confine my topics to what people are wearing or the weather. rolleyes (also a joke. my fair lady and batman are great. i bt you don't care i think so. i don't want an argument but that doen't mean you won't start one. or think i am. frell-i doubt you'll even read this!)
Kanokos Nightmares Report | 09/05/2010 5:32 pm
Kanokos Nightmares
Misss Camm~ You should come check out a hang out thread I made whee its a bit lonely right now~

II-AteUrCookiez-II Report | 08/19/2010 11:12 am
thanks for the buy smile
Kanokos Nightmares Report | 08/17/2010 1:25 pm
Kanokos Nightmares

How are you doing? 4laugh

Kanokos Nightmares Report | 08/17/2010 12:30 pm
Kanokos Nightmares

Heyy, Beautiful! <3
x - a k i n a h a n a - x Report | 08/02/2010 8:22 pm
x - a k i n a h a n a - x
you're not on aim anymore. but i'm also like 30 mins late seeing this comment. =/ sorry bby. let me know when you're back online.


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