Viewing Bee Humble's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Name's Michelle!
*Graduated from High School and attend to college for a year. Took a break and now I'm back.
*Live in Arizona.
*Have been jumping from job to job. I'm currently working at Walgreens as a pharma tech
*Listen to everything. heart
*Yes, I am taken! 3 years and 3 months More to come! emotion_bigheart

*Rarely get on here..

The art below my picture is drawn by Kaenai! Check her out and her shop! She draws better than anyone I know.

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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Heroic Ture

Report | 07/14/2017 5:48 pm

Heroic Ture

youre very welcome thank you for getting back to me c: hope youre doing well!
Heroic Ture

Report | 05/18/2017 1:06 am

Heroic Ture

Hey! Long time no talk. I don't even know what username you knew me by. But the most recent user of mine you have added is anbu kakashi no hatake. Just wanted to wish you well and hope life is going your way smile

Feel free to message if you EVER see this smile

Report | 08/21/2016 2:35 am


Work happennd lol

Report | 08/16/2016 9:12 pm


redface hey shelly <3333

Report | 04/05/2016 12:06 pm


- cleans dirty hands and feets and clings

Report | 04/04/2016 8:42 am


my dreams? whyyyyyyy?

Report | 02/19/2016 9:52 pm


DIRTY HANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! - cleans your hands
Jexsam Knight

Report | 11/30/2015 5:51 pm

Jexsam Knight

Heh, I figured you would. Sucks that your broke though, but I imagine you're having fun with it. I know I did. Be sure to looking out for secret Tardis pad locations. And I'm sure that care is going to be looked after by you for a good while.
Jexsam Knight

Report | 11/24/2015 11:02 am

Jexsam Knight

I'm guessing you did for both. And I bet that car activated your stalker sense. Ha!
Jexsam Knight

Report | 11/22/2015 4:51 pm

Jexsam Knight

Did you get the game or the Lego Doctor Who set?


Mhm, I drew this. 3nodding [/align:6f9c128113][/color:6f9c128113]