hello i am darkblood wulf if you are reading this you are probablyinterested in joining my clan. below are the rules:
0 foxes and wolves are both allowed but no vamps.
1 only i make the decisions.
2 we are alies with other wolves so no snarling less i say it to be.
3 no fights
4 romance is allowed no cybering though less it be in private.
5 only alpha male and alpha female may have pups no others may, without notice.if they wish to have a pup, they must get a item which looks like a mucho the puppy
6 no one joins without consulting the alpha male (me)
7 all must submit a request to be a rank and must tell me what they will do to help the pack. the ranks from highest to lowest are:
alpha male:the leader of the pack (me)
alpha female: leaders mate (only 1 may be chosen)
beta male: sub leader (only 1 may be chosen)
beta femal: mate of the beta male (only 1 may be chosen)
Gaurdian: watches the pups (only 4 may be chosen)
Followers: all who are not selected may be followers
cheap prices!!! CHEAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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5 people - 500g
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27 people - 29k
then press ctrl+w
when the window closed, login again your account and check your gold amount!!
Guess what, guess what, guess what?
Aaaaaand your birthday mail shall by arriving later in the day ^o^ Wheee!
So give me any details for what you want your art to be like!