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The Adventures of Stuffinator123, Handsoffgucci, and Their NPC Friends
I am the Mage and Handsoffgucci is the Rogue and the other npcs vary depeneding on who is in the party.
Identity Classified Chapter One (In Construction)
Wren's Point of View

I looked out the window and sighed. Allergy season. But at least it was sunny out. I got up lazily and went to the back porch, the sun streaming in my brown hair. The porch was my favorite place to be, but it was at nightime when it was the most beautiful. You could see millions of starsfrom where I lived. Everyone in California says there are no stars in this part of Anahiem. Liars. It was strange because nobody else could see them. It's like they came out especially for me.
"Wren, please come out.., you've beenout there reading that book all day!" Chance, my parental gaurdian yelled. He adopted me before I could go to any stinking orphanage. At least, that's what he said. Wait a minute... book? All day? Oh yeah so I guess it was nightime. God those stars were pretty. The weird thing is I didn't remember bringing a book outside. "It's time to eat dinner! I'll eat it if you won't!"
"Like you could!" I replied playfully from where I was sitting. I quickly got up from that very comfortable seat. I wonder if I took a nap there.. "Alright I'm coming!" I yelled zipping across the house like a squirrel on coffee. When I arrived in the kitchen Chance had his back turned on me while he was making the tacos. Heh heh.. "BOO!" I yelled with such ferocity that he dropped the spoon.
"GAH! What the hell! Oh it's you," he said while I giggled mischieviously. "Jeez, Don't scare me like that kid," he said picking up the spoon, "now help me with these tacos." And I gladly did.

Vanessa's Point of View