I'm posting this journal entry now , as I type on the wii e-keyboard from the Wii!
**EDIT FROM LAPTOP** ( It takes so long to type X_X)
That's right I Got the wireless back a day or two ago and now I've completely setup the wii for about an hour and a half ( The night before my graphic exam yes).
I've downloaded:
Golden Axe Altered Beast The Vote channel The Internet Channel
And now have access to the news and weather forecast channel! It's freckin amazing seriously!
I went on Gaia first on the internet and posted that quick entry xD OMG, Youtube, on my freckin television! Watched the DUBBED Hokage fight x_X - Now that is awful
And other anime related stuff.
The Shippuuden opening ON MY WII! XD
Who's got the hot Wii now Josh huh?!
bonziblueboy · Tue Mar 13, 2007 @ 09:32pm · 6 Comments |