This is my... umm, OUR Hollow mask. It was an art project by Kiotana Hiwatari and me. It took us a grueling *counts on fingers* forever sweatdrop to get it done at school. After all that time working on it, it was like a bond formed between the mask and us. I take great pride in being the masks Mommy (I beat Kio to it xd , shes the Aunt). Kio even made comics on making the mask ( exclaim I'll post the comics here when they're done exclaim ) For now, you can see a couple of the pictures we took of the mask before I whisked it away to my house. Vote 10 for it here:
*sniff* I'm so proud, our mask is gonna make it in the world. If only its father could see it now... wink
My auntie skill rock! XD Nice ending with an AMV lol Nice n00b sig^^ Love it LMAO
Brother_Bear Community Member
Wed Feb 21, 2007 @ 06:14pm
Awsome, lol, the yellow eyes are creepy. smile
Seth Yukashima Community Member
Thu Apr 12, 2007 @ 01:35pm
"I don't understand the last box in the comic, maybe it's because I am stupid, maybe it's because I don't know how to use common sense. Whatever the reason I don't understand it and the mask you made looks great!...though in the anime I thought it was only half of the mask consumed his face..."