My Username is:
Allison Grey
My Name is:
Dorian Alexander Grey
But I go by:
Dori or Alex
How old am I?
17, April 16
I am:
Artistic and eccentric. I love the high life. Forgetful and often loses things.
I frequently mix up a few of the girls names.
Enjoys to be around a large crowd and talk to people others would not.
(bullys, gangsters, mafia members.) I am loud and love dark colors.
My Life Story:
I moved from Italy to (town?) when I was very young.
Therefore, I do not have much of an accent.
I met my dearest friends when I moved there,
and have promised not to break away from, or fall in love with any of them.
I have so far kept my promise, but part of me knows that I will soon break it.
When Kaija moved, I was sad with everyone else,
but I soon got over it, and am excited for Kaija to return.
My friends became inspiration for my paintings, and I have grew incredibly,
as a mix of modern American and Italian artistic styles.
I frequently try different types of magic, but they never work.
Tarot cards and the afterlife interest me also,
and I have had a few payed readings from excited girls
who were more interested in their love lives than the general future.
Other information:
Feels no anger towards Kaija.