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God's love made me who I am today. I hope to share what I've learned to help others experience the same love I have.
A warm message.
This is my most recent dream. You'll find out how I came up with my sig. The only difference with this dream, compared to the others is it is more fuzzy, like my random dreams, but I still remembered it fairly clear. Here it is

~~~~~~~ I was in a class room enviroment, maybe sunday school or a youth type deal, and I was part of a skit. The three of us in the skit each put a piece of chocolate in our mouths. I sucked on the piece of chocolate but could not chew it and for some reason I could not consume it completely. Then one of us in the skit got up before our audience and said "God's love is warm, sweet, unfathomable, and hard to chew" and still by this time I had not consumed the candy.~~~~~

This made such an impression of me I have decided to remember that saying although now I have changed it to "God's love for us is warm and sweet, but unfathomable and hard to chew." Just because I like the sound of that better. And Just so you know these dreams I have posted here, I have written in a journal when they were fresh in my mind(the last to at least, the first I wrote down after I realized it's importance, a few months later).