the only family members im really close with(beside the people i live with) is Aunt Kristy and Uncle bill and all my cousins Zach,Alex and Michael.. I dont really care for my Aunt sandy,Uncle Glen becuz i dont see them for like 3 months then all of a sudden when they Redecorate one of their rooms all of a sudden they want my parent s and me and matthew to go visit them so they can pretty much bragg about it .. i know this sounds like im making up about sandy but its true!! eek sandy and glen bought a new oven,new car and new lawn mower but they wouldnt help my parents and my uncle rick pay for a new T.V for my grandmother for christmas.. if you split it 3 ways it would have been $40-$50 each. My grandma had a really old T.v. I think her T.V. was 7-10 years old.. eek but my grandma is a widow and she doesnt know much about electronics so we had to help her out by picking out a good T.V.