Mmm... Journal update. <3
Songs played while writing:
Empyreal Destroyer - "Chaos Torrent"
Flyleaf - "Cassie"
Nickelback - "Animals"
HIM - "Our Diabolikal Rapture"
Evanescence - "Breath No More"
New Found Glory - "All Downhill from Here"
Chevelle - "The Red"
underOATH - "It's Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door"
Tchea.. so..I thought I'd make a little journal entry to just..I dunno. Mention things that have been happening lately, I suppose. Adi rubbed off on me. xD
Excuse me if I ramble..I was hanging out at the mall today, around people that were doing 'stuff' I'm like half high..and it's not my fault really. >>; Cunno, Teysuhttt~
Mkay, so.. Exams.. Ha, I don't remember what order they were in. xD
Okay..I guess my first was my science on was really easy..I, as I usually do, finished it in 30 minutes tops. I think I did really, really good on it. Was sooo easy.. Then I went to my fifth period for 40 or so minutes for lunch and we played like..scattergories or something? Yeah. i guess so. Then was my...[-blanks out- I can't remember that one class! I remember the other ones I had, but that one I completely..forget..OH.] DRAMA EXAM. That's right. It was uber easy, 'course. Like, we had to make a drawing of a set that went with a scene she told us about [ I chose 'Dead Parrot' from Monty Python or something] and draw the costumes that go with it as well..And answer questions about it. My answered completely sucked and had nothing to do with my scene. xD I was half asleep when I answered them. So I just told them about it.. [And everyone was all, "You say 'like' alot! -gigglegigglesnort-" Tch. I know I do, I can't help it. xD "And he was all like, "I walked all, like, weird and I started over."] We also had to do a few other costume designs..There was Prince, Princess, Villain, Superhero, and sidekick. My villian I wanted to look uber awesome, so I modeled HER after Morrigan.. and then I just drew crappy stuff for my other ones. xD My superhero was 'Manliness Man' and my sidekick was, I believe.. Superhero School Dropout or some s**t like that? Yeah..I got an A. <3
Grr. Stop typing with your nose, dumb dog. >< She's in my lap..and keeps putting her head on the keyboard. ><
Anyway. Thursday's exams were english and social studies. English was unbelievably easy. Social studies..well. If I would've studied, it would have been that much easier. xD But I didn't, so. I probably failed all the stuff that wasn't given to me on a map or graph or something. xD Yeah..I suck. I finished that exam in hour or so, 'cause I was stressing about it.. Then we got out at 11 45, my mom picked me up, and we got Burger King. xD
Friday I had French and Math. French exam was SO easy. I finished first, in like 20 minutes [I'm an extremely fast test taker]. Then I made some cards for friends..Well..two. One for my friend Chelsea, and one for Corinna [or "C-Dawg". Stupid. xD] I wasn't going to see the other people I knew, so I just basically said 'screw them' and didn't make them anything. xD They didn't give me anything, so hey.. But it was pretty cool. We were watching..Gosh, what was it? It wasn't Barney. it was some weird little kids show I can't think of. Oh well. And then I went to Math and gave Chelsea and Corinna their cards. Chelsea gave me a 20$ giftcard to starbucks; I felt bad for getting her just a crappy card. Or, rather, making one. >>; Well..the exam in that class wasn't really hard.. I just took forever on it. I had like five minutes until the bell rang when I finished. x_x; The test only had 86 questions! I was stressing so bad. xD I was like, 'God, it had to be THIS exam!' ..But I finally finished, and we all went home hearing lousy sounding christmas music on the intercom. My mom picked me up and we went to KFC..Or, rather, Popeyes. xD THERE WERE PEACOCKS! HOLYSHITAKE. xD They were all swarmed around the place. 'Twas so amusing to watch little girl my mom babysit's eyes light up as she says "Peacock! Oh no!" xD
Hm..Well. Like, the saturday before last [I was the night I went to Disney..I guess it was], my phone broke when I was talking to Takai. Dx I went to switch off the call, and my screen was all blank. What's weird was that I was still talking to him and everything was completely operational. But. it just..broke. But, like. On saturday my friend from forever ago, who i rarely talk to anymore, gave me one of her phones [her dad buys her new ones, like, all the time.] because my mom asked her mom and then her mom asked her.. We were gunna pay for it, but she gave it to me for free. x3 Friends come in unexpected places - I hadn't talked to her in forever before then. I dunno, she's just changed so incredibly much over the years. She used to be cool, but she's just gone down the gutter ever since middle school. And the fact that she is going to one of the WORST schools around here doesn't help at all, either.. We're just complete opposites now. But, yeah. She gave it to me for free and I was extremely greatful.. It's an awesome phone. It's a Nokia 3220 I think. It lights up on the sides, to the tone that plays. It's so cool and..trippy. x3
Saturday I went to the mall with my beloved Krista, mah bestest friend..We went into Spencer's like eighty million times like we usually do. xD Marveled at the vibrators. Lmao. And we talked about porn in the petite old lady's section of..dillards. xD We always do that, too. Every time we get stuff to try on just to try on [cause we're poor and cant afford anything >>]. This time I was talking about detachable penises, and how the one in the 'hardcore porn' we 'watched' was huge, and then a really small old lady that worked there came in and glared at me [I was out waiting for Krista, sitting in a chair outside the stalls]. Was the funniest thing ever. xD Then when we walked out there were several of them outside. Ha. I think I recorded our conversation..yeah, I did. xD
Krista: "..won't go in"
Me: "It was what?"
Krista: "It squeezes my boobs."
Me: "really."
Krista: "yeah.. it does"
Me: "And how does it do that?"
Krista: somethingsomething "my boobs"
Me: "Sweet.. So what did you think about that porn last night?"
Krista: "That was some good hardcore porn."
Me: "I know. It was AWESOME."
Krista: "It was so cool, though."
Me: "Yeah..and that detachable p***s, it was huge!" [at this point the old lady walked in xD]
Krista: "We love huge p***s."
Me: "HUGE p***s.... They should have detachable vaginas, too... That like, go into your skin somehow.. That would hurt."
Krista: "That'd be cool."
Me: "That'd be cool.. You'd buy one of those, right?"
Krista: "No, I already have one of those, sorry. Already have a v****a."
Me: "Are you sure?"
Krista: "Yeah, I'm pretty sure."
Me: "if you say so.." went on a little more, but I'll keep it there. xD
Umm..I don't remember anything else..Well, I'm on break now..yep..
Uhh. Well, I know something that happened today..
So, like. My parents have a mutual friend that they've had since middle school.. he's not a bad guy or anything, I guess. Just a drunken crackhead..Been in jail for that kinda stuff..Well. Awhile back he was homeless, and stayed with us for like two months..I was complaining about it and everything, 'cause he slept on the couch right behind where I'm sitting now, and I couldn't stay on too long 'cause..well, it was just rude to stay on the comp while he was trying to sleep, y'know? And then he left for my parents' other friend.. stayed there for ahwile..My mom and I found him working at my aunt's house on, like, sunday. My mom told him to come to our house to do our christmas lights..and we found out he's homeless yet again. My mom said he can stay with us..which I don't really mind..But anyway, sunday night my dad found him sleeping in our carport [we dont have a garage] and he came inside and slept on the couch..Ugh. I feel so bad, cause I was all, "he snores REALLY loud" and complaining about how i cant play my music loud with him around to Takai... >>
Well...he went to work monday.. and he didn't come back that night for some reason. Which was weird, 'cause all of his stuff is here at our house - all of his possessions, that fit into a small backpack and sports bag. Whatever, we figured he'd be back because that happened sometimes when he was staying before - he wouldnt come one night and he'd come back the next.
Well.. Today my mom got a call from their friend, Larry, the dude he had left us to stay with before [because my mom didn't let him have beer here, and he could get it there or something].. he had seen this [or, rather, a different video, this one is updated] on TV.. My mom, dad, and I were scared to death. That road is literally RIGHT BY my house. I live right off of Forest city and Maitland blvd. The school they mentioned was my elementary school, five minutes from my house.
We know it's him. He was murdered..probably coming to our house from school.. That video is updated, my brother was there just as they were doing that..he talked to the dude that owns the property the office places behind the lady in the blue are on just as they were filming that. It was not long after my mom called in saying we know who it was [dude, she kept having to call different people. "Okay, call this number". She called the number, stayed on hold for 10 or so minutes.. "Okay, call this number." Literally went on like thirty times before anything happened.] And how they said he didn't have any identification on him - yeah. It was on our porch.
God..I feel so unbelievably bad right now for complaining over something so childish as him snoring loud. Dude, I swear, if I could take that back knowing what I do now, I would in a heartbeat..I'm sorry, man. I didn't mean any of that I said. I hope you can forgive me..
And on that note..I have no faith in my area anymore. A little place known as Lockhart, I used to feel proud to call this place my home..Going around saying, "b***h, I live in Lockhart!" ...But no, not really anymore..I'd leave now if I could. This place has just gone to s**t. I swear..the crime around here is horrible..s**t. If you watched it, you heard what they said on the video - ******** 62nd murder in this county. Always people I know getting arrested. Just about a week or so ago my brother found out one of his 'friends' keyed his car. Well, he knew about it, but he found out who it was. It was all the way down to the metal, on both sides, and one had a star on it. Definately not a 'whoopsie'. I mean..come on, the dude sat there and bragged about it to a bunch of people! Someone who hadn't seen my brother's car ever before was explaining, in detail, what was wrong with my brother's car.. I honestly hate it here. I have just about no friends around here save a few close ones, because I hate just about everyone that lives in this area. If they go to juve, it's like a trophy. I don't understand it at all. All these little kids ruining their ******** lives so they can look cool. I'm not having it - I'm going to get myself out of here as soon as I can.
Bah..I dunno anymore.
I guess I'll stop this with a few words of 'wisdom':
- Don't complain over little things like someone snoring loud - you'll regret it in the end.
- Don't waste your life away by committing crimes and putting yourself in the shithole. That you will also regret.
- Talking about porn attracts old ladies.
And, without further adeu..
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Community Member
x3 I don't think I could ever do that in a changing room..
..D; And as long as you can say you've improved with that aspect...well, I'm glad then. :3 <3