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God's love made me who I am today. I hope to share what I've learned to help others experience the same love I have.
Another Vision?
This dream was a few months after the previous one, and boy was I in for a shock, this one was a lot more complex then before. Here is how it goes:

~~~~~~This dream was just as clear and vivid as the last vision and was in the same place, my room. This time it was a clear blue sky beyond my curtainless window and a white light from outside poured in to my room and covered my almost bare room except for the generic white bed in wich I layed in a postion that involved laying on my stomach and elbows. As quickly as I observed this my attention was diverted elsewhere as a flock of brown, black splochted ducks flew right past my window. As the ducks flew by, one came close to my window and paused a second seeming to invite me to join the flock, I thought to my self, "That's Jesus", and I was happy(estatic) to see Him. He flew away shortly after and I watched Him fly away. The next image I saw was of an brown owl with yellow eyes with black tiped feathers. This owl came and perched on the windowsill. I was filled with a warm, wonderful joy that remained for most of my dream. I reached out to touch the owl that I knew was God, and after a couple of seconds He too flew away as I watched and smiled. After all the birds flew away a woman, in a blue robe with white and red trim floated up to my window. She was heavenly beautiful and smiled and seemed pleasent. I thought of her as an angel. She made a hand signal that can onlybe done with 7 fingers. I tried to imitate it but lacked the fingers, it was like a piramid, almost what would be the index and middle finger were side by side on the bottom and the ring finger and pinky on top followed by two other fingers on the bottom beside the other botom fingers, and the tumb off to the side. Can I ASCII draw this ?:
(its something like this)
f= finger ~ f f
t= tumb~ f f f f T
~ = to create space for picture
Soon after my attempt to do this the angel mouthed out some words to me (and I can't read lips so..) I thought she was saying "Can I have some fish water", or something like that. I was confused but happy to comply with an attractive being, so I opened the window to let her in. As soon as I got it opened it she frowned and started to hiss at me and I could feel her intent to harm me as she hovered closer to me. I immediately felt an intense fear that began to shake my body much like did in the previous dream, but this time it was a fear of an evil presence as oposed to a commanding one. I struggled to close the window, but was unable to untill I could call on the power of God and tried to repel the demon with words God gave me to say, which I repeated until the window was closed. I awoke after the closing of the window, wide awake, shaking in fear.~~~`

This scene was a little odd for me because the room was similar to mine, but not exactly like it. First of all it was bare, my room is cluttered with stuff. Second my bed was vertical in front of my window instead of the usual horizontal, my room is too small for that. Plus I could not see anything that was usually outside of my window: houses, etc. These facts could also be a factor in interpreting my dream.

What I believe this dream could mean is that I may be left behind, due to just sitting around and watching it all go past me, and only take action when in trouble. This comes from the fact that the flock flying by all looked the same, even Jesus showing that He was one of us leading the way home, and the feeling I had from Him was much like the feeling I got from God, the owl. This could easily represent the rapture. The "angel" could just as easily be satan, attractive but deadly, much like the sin he spreads, not to mention the fact that he was also an angel at one time, but in my dream he had no wings, a sign of the fall I'm sure. So temptation is involved as well. Perhaps its Gods way telling me to call on Him in trouble as well. It is a lot to digest and I don't know when I'll be able to understand if fully, but it has helped guide me to chose the walk with Christ more passionately, that must its purpose.

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Apr 27, 2006 @ 04:59am
WOW. Now that's a dream from God. I'm not called by the Almighty to coclude that, but It looks that way. I really hope that I could be as blessed as you.

There are gifts giving by the Holy Spirit. Prophecy is one of them, which seems to be what you have. You are a prophet by what I'm guessing. Well, what do you know smile .

But of course, I could be wrong...

commentCommented on: Fri Aug 11, 2006 @ 10:07pm
wow, that dream just told me i need to go to Church more often, lately ive been lacking off some, but i need to go back now, God has given you a Message, i'd like to add some of your quotes to help fight the Anti-Christ and convert people to Christiananity

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