Hello me hearties! I've been drawing some maps and have been thinking of adding a bit of future to the magna. A bit of james bond. Here's my wee drawings:

This is an attempt of drawing Lockdoor piratestyle.

This is just a little close up of a city which will play a key role. The rod dots are were pirates are known to be.
Ever heard of runescape? Well, for those of you who have, i'm thinking of a runescapy magna, with random sword shops, etc. What do you think?
Or maybe it should be completly different, with a touch of James Bond. How? You are asking. To be fair I'm not so sure. But I'll work it out.
I just have one more thing to get of my chest. Ever heard of a supermarket in the UK called Sainsbury's? Sainsbury's does not like me. I don't know why, but I seem very unfortunate when I go there. Today, I was having dinner there, and they gave me the wrong meal. ((It was loaded with far many vegetables instead of chips. ¬_¬)) But, my dad's and mum's hot meal was fine. cry Last time I asked for a jacket potato, but after they cooked mum and dad's meal they told me that they hadn't got a jacket potato. Why couldn't they tell me before??? evil evil Then I choose something else. Wait. "Sorry but we haven't got that." emo emo Then I choose something else less nice but sitll edable. I was waiting, and I thought 'they've got to have this'. Sorry I was pretty surprised when this scary mary lady came up to me and said "Sorry but we have ran out." burning_eyes burning_eyes burning_eyes So I ended up with this disgusting rice. emo It was the most horrible dish of rice I've ever had. What have I done to sainsbury's huh? Why don't they ever get my order right or ever have the thing I want in stock? emo emo
tulin13 · Sun Nov 19, 2006 @ 03:40pm · 1 Comments |