The tops of the tree rusl in the wind as the womens laughter keeps up. The young man knows where she is and sits down quitely. He sighs heavly then says "you have not won my heart you have to work for it" The voice pouts "why have you not fallen for me I have guys line up for me and yet your the only one who denys me." A young women about a year or two younger then the man jumps out of the trees. She was about 5'6'' in high jet black hair,jade eyes,and a tan skin.The young man speaks " you have been at my tail since I left the monks." The women looked shocked "you knew I was fallowing you but I was so careful!!" in a winy voice. the young man stared at her then sighs "remember you snuck into my room many times so I know when you are hidding." the women pouts and snaps her fingers and kicks the growned. The younge women speaks so where are you heading any way."The man smiled warmly* To a village in the north its a few days to the north." The women looked confuzed"why?" she asked shyly. The man smiled and said to setal something to do with my past. He caress the scares on his face and chest.
Darkblade Tekkaman · Sat Jan 15, 2005 @ 01:23am · 4 Comments |