Alright. So mind my last journal entry <<' I don't PMS typically, but I was when I wrote that xDD;;
Always, I've been working like crazy lately Which is good in the sence that I make lots of money. But meh. Yesterday I had a day off though <33 and My friends called me and left a voicemail with very sad tones in their voices whining that they missed me and that we need to hang out.
So yesterday I ended up having Jill over at my house, then going to hers where Matt and Jim were waiting for me, so we hung out for a bit, then Jill had dance, so I went back home where my sister was waiting for me. We drove up to the mall, went out to eat and went shopping. Express = love. I got 5 pairs of pants (three jeans and 2 dressier pants) and a stripped black shirt (really cute)
Then I went home, called Jess, and drove to her house Amanda, Care, Jess, Kara and I were supposed to go mini golfing, but Care and Kara couldn't make it because their parents were being like ew. And so it was Jess, Amanda and I.
When we get to the golfing junk Amanda is all being a b***h (which is really the nicest way to put it) and demanding we go to the boardwalk. I tell her off and then proclaim I don't feel like listening to someone whining and such all night.
Now, here's something you have to understand about Amanda, barely anyone likes her, she's basiclly a complete snob towards people she doesn't deam good enough to talk to her. And you see, she doesn't do it to me, in fact she's quite nice to me, but she talks about everyone behind their backs and such and so bascilly, her friends only tolirate her, not nessaceraly like her much, which is also connected to her being rediculously self-centered. So basiclly, she's the one person I will tell off, which is funny since no one else will. But it puts her back in her place and she moves on. So no fuss and such.
So we go to the boardwalk and walk 23 streets down it. Of course, I'm wearing these super cute, rinestone studded kitten heals and they keep getting stuck in between the boards, so I go barefoot. Oh my god. My feet were black when I got home. Anyways we rode rides and such and then I called mi madre to pick Jess and I up. Jess and I call Care and b***h for about an hour and then watch Project Runway reruns, chat, and sleep.
And tonight Care wants to go out as well with me, and we're having Jessica come as well. This time hopefully we'll actully make it onto the mini golfing course. xP
angel08 · Thu Jul 13, 2006 @ 07:19pm · 2 Comments |