^^; Hehe. Ah well. That is the me right now. I am a crazy, crazy dorkess who's gotten into writing again... just not the whole typing thing.
SChool stuff is getting better... which is a major plus lemme tell you.... ^^; And it seems my internet is behaving for the moment... so yeah...
Only a week and a half left til my first set of finals though! Kudos! -throws confetti in the air- Almost done... and I get a little bit of a break!! Yays! -falls- ^^;; So... my stress level is incredibly high... but thats okay... cause I get a few days off to relax, etcetc. ^^ Yays.
Oh! For those who dont know.... I'm a psych major now with a minor in Marriage and FAmily STudies (unless for some reason I change to something else like minoring in music, physical science, or pysics... ) and I am loooking at gradiating in the next year. ^^ YAys! Pray I get on year-round...
WE watched a movie today, my roomie and I... and it was cool ^^ WE watched "With Honors" and it seriously got me thinking.... you know...? Whats to say that our educational prospects are going to bring us the most happiness in the world? I mean... think about it you know?... while college can bring out the knowlegde and experience that we need (and that we can carry on with us in the eternal scheme of things...) if we dont use it properly... like helping another person out when they hit bottom... or even before then.... then what's the use of it? I think that's why I want to be a psych major so much... you know?... to try and help the people out there that need it... and maybe even those that might not want it. ^^;;;
Enough with its!! Lol!
I'm gonna be posting new chappies on FAnfiction.net as I get them written.. though I somehow dont think that will be til Monday or something.... I got a test this weekend... and I want to do really really really really well on it... so I need to concentrate all my might on it. ^^;; Hehe. That and will myself to get on here and type.....
Anyhooooss..... quizzie time!! I kinda need an... emotional boost if you will...
1. What are your two favorite things about me? 2. If there was one thing about me that you could change.... what would it be? (and no cheating saying nothing!) 3. What are your three favorite things about yourself? 4. Write this in your journal and add a question pwees? ^^
Marion-san · Fri Jun 16, 2006 @ 04:51am · 1 Comments |