Mirgeanu Zalchen
~~~Basics~~~ Name: Mirgeanu Zalchen Age: 20 Gender: Female Species: Human Birth Date: April 18th Height: 5 feet 10 inches Weight: 142 lbs Personality: It's best not to judge a book by its cover, and Mirgeanu is an example of that classic proverb. When left to herself, she is usually perceived as a calm woman; however, this is not always the case when she is interacting with others. Mirgeanu is an ambitious woman, determined to pursue her many goals through hard work and dedication. She seems to be fearless and independent- though it seems like she may be distant towards others sometimes, she is fiercely loyal to the people that she gets to know and who get to know her, and will remain supportive of them as long as they don't attempt to break her trust in some way or form. Mirgeanu is spirited and strong willed; she will push herself to the limit during a battle if that what it takes.
Unfortunately, Mirgeanu does have her pitfalls like everyone else. She initially seems to be closed off and selfish towards others until they warm up to each other. Even more, her competitive nature may lead to her becoming impulsive in her actions in order to gain the upper hand, and might be regarded as highly reckless to others. However, from Mirgeanu's perspective, this stems from her many fears and desires. She is aiming to become perfect to appease her grandfather, and she wishes to become someone who will be remembered instead of a forgotten outcast; however, her fear of failing and disappointing others is the root of her perfectionism. Mirgeanu desires to fit in with others, to prove them wrong when they regard her as a weakling... yet she wants to accomplish her goals for her own benefit, not her grandfather's. Behavior: Mirgeanu is an introvert most of the time; when encountering another, she'll analyze them to see what their true intentions are. It's a habit she has acquired over the years. Nation: Born in the Nation of Valas; Currently Wandering Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Alignment: Lawful Neutral
~~~Personal Info~~~ Personal Skill: Swordsmanship Favorite Food: Lemons Favorite Drink: Water Least Favorite Food: Dried Figs
Likes: • Warm and moderate temperatures • Gaining victory over an opponent • Meditating • Her family... aside from her grandfather • Large creatures • Improving her skills Dislikes: • Spells being canceled out by someone more powerful or experienced than her • Being judged due to her clashing appearance • Freezing temperatures • Her height • Losing a battle • Her grandfather... mainly due to him berating her for her weaknesses • Her trust being broken Hates: • Being completely underestimated as an opponent • Being perceived as some type of demon • Insults towards her family- especially her father • Being depleted of energy to the point where she passes out- especially during a battle
Strengths: • Excellent Swordsmanship • Moderate knowledge of Arcane spells • Strong will and determination • Agility... even to the point of contortion • Speed... well, close to the peak of human speed • Loyalty to others Weaknesses: • Excessive use of Arcanic energy can be draining, requiring Mirgeanu to re-nourish herself and rest to recover. The more she uses it past the point of exhaustion, the stronger the chances of her death will become. • There's still the possibility of the sentient energy being able to overwhelm and take over Mirgeanu if she overexerts the use of arcanic energy, which would lead to her mind becoming unstable. • In utilizing the elements, she cannot use more than one in her attacks at the same time; also, she cannot switch to using another element if she is low on energy, and even switching takes more energy from her. • If her opponent is not utilizing powers during battle, then neither will she- unless it's during dire circumstances. • Competitive nature • Occasionally introverted • Lingering desire to obtain knowledge of her father's disappearance • Perfectionism • Loyalty and protectiveness to those she cares about Fears: • Finding her father either dead or being under the influence of an evil creature. • Losing her mind to the point she can no longer control her abilities. • Her grandfather's disapproval and harsh criticism once she returns from her quest. • Not finding her purpose in life.
~~~Fighting and Professional Info~~~
Job: Mage
Fighting Level: 5 Health Level: 9
Weapons: Steel Sabre Abilities • Swordsmanship • Hand to Hand Combat • Enhanced Physical Condition Powers: • Arcane Energy Manipulation: Known also as Mana Manipulation, Mirgeanu is capable of drawing from and manipulating the energy through her and her surroundings for various purposes; however, in her case, she doesn't need an object to do so. It might be possible that her powers stem from the energy flowing through all living beings, though it hasn't been proven. Nevertheless, due to her still gaining knowledge about her capabilities stemming from this power, she is able to utilize them to a moderate extent.
Biography Mirgeanu was born to little known swordsman Milgros Zalchen and his elemental magic wielding wife Irinia within Valas. Needless to say, her arrival was not met with a warm reception by most members of the family- a child with white hair and purple eyes that clashed with her dark skin was initially perceived as a possible curse from a demon. Though their ludicrous notion wore off over the first two years of Mirgeanu's life, a few of the family members were still skeptical, one of them being Milgros' father Squall. Their life seemed pretty relaxed for a while; unfortunately, when the girl was at the age of three, Milgros had suddenly disappeared from the city without a trace. Whether it was caused from his grandfather's accusations against the toddler, or from him wanting to make a name for himself, no one ever knew. Regardless, Irinia and Squall- with the help of his wife Kherise- took up the task of raising her.
Throughout her childhood, Mirgeanu was a lively little girl, often interacting with others in the city and learning about the world around her, though she had developed a keen interest in the art of magic. However, despite Irinia's wishes to at least school Mirgeanu in the art for future use, Squall was vehemently against the notion, believing that it would lead the child to be corrupted and become influenced by evil. With that, he started teaching the girl himself in the art of swordsmanship once she reached the age of twelve, aiming to hone her skills and improve them past the level of her father's. Kherise meekly kept her peace, yet it didn't prevent Irinia from slipping Mirgeanu a few tips and tricks about the ways of magic, despite the child not showing any sings of the art as of yet. As for Squall and his teachings, it was possible he was still bitter about the still ongoing disappearance of his son; therefore, he began criticizing the teenager about her shortcomings more than praising her for her successes, convincing her that completely overcoming them would pave her path in becoming a great swordsman. However, he had not been expecting the events that would unfold once Mirgeanu reached the age of seventeen.
During a battle with several other- and older- pupils of her grandfather, Mirgeanu found herself consistently taunted by a few of them, mainly due to her appearance and the fact that her father was still missing. Throughout the fighting, Mirgeanu's anger had began to steadily grow with the consistent teasing; the breaking point was when a older and larger sized boy had outright blamed her for her father's disappearance... and going so far to say that she might have killed him. At that point, Mirgeanu discarded her sword in preparation to strike the bully with her fists... and somehow, her anger channeled through to her hands, causing them to glow with some sort of energy. Unfortunately, by the time everyone around the two spotted it, a blast of the energy had erupted from the girls hands and hit the bully, sending him flying several feet before he landed on the ground. The other kids had backed away, but by that point, the girl had passed out from exhaustion. When the matter was brought to Irinia's attention, the woman had two more choices; either continue teaching Mirgeanu magic and be exiled from the family, or discontinue the teachings altogether. Reluctantly, the woman gave up to her grandfather's demands... but Kherise herself hadn't. The older woman snuck the books to Mirgeanu for the teenager to study on her own, and through intense study and secretly practicing her craft, the girl discovered what kind of magic she held- not simply the elemental, the light, or the dark... but the pure arcanic energy itself.
Upon that revelation, Mirgeanu sought to leave her family right then and there.. but decided to remain with them until her eighteenth year. When the time came, she began to undertake a journey of her own in order to improve her skills a bit more, yet also aiming to avoid allowing her grandfather's harsh influence on her to last throughout the remainder of her years. Furthermore, she deeply desires to find her father and the reason why he had left the family. At least it might bring her some closure... even if it does turn out that she was the reason for his disappearance.
~~~Relationships~~~ {Subjects with "N/A" will be filled in during progression of roleplay}
Strangers: N/A Acquaintances: N/A Friends: N/A Best Friends: N/A Lovers: N/A Family: Irina Jere {Mother; Alive} Milgros Zalchen {Father; Whereabouts Unknown, Presumed Deceased} Squall Zalchen {Grandfather; Alive} Kherise Versulyen {Grandmother; Alive}
[imgleft]http://i1102.photobucket.com/albums/g441/LeonidasPeridot/ee4a7ed4-49c9-4884-b53d-39ca41547606.jpg[/imgleft][align=center][size=18][color=mediumvioletred][b]Mirgeanu Zalchen[/b][/color][/size]
[url=http://images.elfwood.com/art/r/a/rachie/lisa_carlson___inked_sketch.jpg]Normal Attire[/url] | [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVMIk3xYaYo]Main Theme[/url][/align]
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." -Audrey Hepburn
Leonidas Pelagios · Mon May 12, 2014 @ 02:51am · 0 Comments |