Current Song: It's all about us - FREE FUDGING FAULT!!!!!111!!! (Can you tell that I'm hyper? Current Mood: Perverted, Hyper <33 Current Book: Warriors - Dawn
Because I'm a nerd I go on to read all the pairings I worship that I most likely would never see in the anime.
I happened to stumble across a Shino and Hinata multi-chapter story(By multi-chapter I mean 22 Chapters so far and still counting)
It is rated T (for teen)
and I LOVED IT!!!
-huggles Shino and Hinata-
It so adorable and sad and parts perverted.
His father started making jokes at Shino.
Shino dreamt of Hinata.
Put two-and-two together...and
WELL!! Here's the link cause it is a good story, and well written, and funny!
Why Love is Chaos
ivintages · Thu Apr 20, 2006 @ 05:11pm · 2 Comments |