- Atarashii ~ Asian Clothing Auction (+ Tron auction)
- Peppermint Coffee ~ DTFC
- Arteffect ~ KH Bribe
- gibybo ~ OC Auction
- Kelestie ~ Graphics (still need form)
- Amira Keller ~ Graphics
- Dahmi ~ Graphics
- iWindii ~ Graphics
- shinigamisgirl Headshot
Peppermint Coffee
Twin 1 Info
Name: Joshua Hartfield
Gender: Male
Power: --
Hair Syle/Color: Long, unruly waves like moms/black hair
Eye Color/Shape: A little tilt to them, same blue as mother's
Skin: Mother's color
Build: As a baby, he'll be a little chunky, and then he'll grow like all kids do
Extas: Joshua and his twin are going to grow up
Parent Inherited Traits: --
Birthmark Placement: Over the left eye
Twin 2 Info
Name: --
Gender: Male
Power: --
Hair Syle/Color: Short, moppish and a bit straighter than Josh's
Eye Color/Shape: Same as his twins
Skin: Same as mom
Build: Same as win
Extas: --
Parent Inherited Traits: --
Birthmark Placement: Over the right eye
Identical?: Yes
Parent's Info
Name: Trey Hartfield
Gaian Name: Peppermint Coffee
Species: Human
Special Qualities: Kind and sweet, generous and smart.
Personality: same as her special qualities
Links or References to info about your character: Her own folder
Hair Color: See refs
Eye Color: See refs
Skin Color: See refs
Build: See refs
Distinguishing Marks: she has a mole on the left side of her lip
Other Info
Test Tube or Insemination?: Insemination
Name: Joshua Hartfield
Gender: Male
Power: --
Hair Syle/Color: Long, unruly waves like moms/black hair
Eye Color/Shape: A little tilt to them, same blue as mother's
Skin: Mother's color
Build: As a baby, he'll be a little chunky, and then he'll grow like all kids do
Extas: Joshua and his twin are going to grow up
Parent Inherited Traits: --
Birthmark Placement: Over the left eye
Twin 2 Info
Name: --
Gender: Male
Power: --
Hair Syle/Color: Short, moppish and a bit straighter than Josh's
Eye Color/Shape: Same as his twins
Skin: Same as mom
Build: Same as win
Extas: --
Parent Inherited Traits: --
Birthmark Placement: Over the right eye
Identical?: Yes
Parent's Info
Name: Trey Hartfield
Gaian Name: Peppermint Coffee
Species: Human
Special Qualities: Kind and sweet, generous and smart.
Personality: same as her special qualities
Links or References to info about your character: Her own folder
Hair Color: See refs
Eye Color: See refs
Skin Color: See refs
Build: See refs
Distinguishing Marks: she has a mole on the left side of her lip
Other Info
Test Tube or Insemination?: Insemination
And then, the winner of our GAME, earning a headshot from Sora Icefreeze is Shinigamisgirl ! Send Sora a PM with da kine thing you want arted.
-feel free to complete it at your leisure-
I would love a Headshot of one of my Characters! -feel free to pick whichever- Feel free to add as much or as little of whatever as you please. I personally love color spot imgs. Simple Headshots with colored lines and no base color. Or just the Eyes and Hair colored in and nothing else.
Course tho your the artist here, so go nuts!
FG Chars -
Violet Eyes, Blond Hair.
Triton Cless
Red Eyes, Red Hair. Zoraish.
Lady Mars
Lady Mars -again-
Any of my H&H Durr Humanized -
Hart and Hind
-feel free to complete it at your leisure-
I would love a Headshot of one of my Characters! -feel free to pick whichever- Feel free to add as much or as little of whatever as you please. I personally love color spot imgs. Simple Headshots with colored lines and no base color. Or just the Eyes and Hair colored in and nothing else.
Course tho your the artist here, so go nuts!
FG Chars -
Violet Eyes, Blond Hair.
Triton Cless
Red Eyes, Red Hair. Zoraish.
Lady Mars
Lady Mars -again-
Any of my H&H Durr Humanized -
Hart and Hind
Desired colorist: Sora Icefreeze
Character Name: Èstehel P. Claudnyne (if it is too large to fit on the cert, which it probably is, feel free to only include 'Claudnyne' since that's what he's usually called)
Gender: male
Age: twenty
Character Title: Lone Treader
Home World: Eldar (planet from the Star Ocean universe)
Growing or none: Non-growing/Expert
Keybearer or Nobody: Nobody
Sub Class: custom class: Symbologist (that's the equivalent of a mage in Star Ocean)
If Full Custom: Èstehel is a young man of average height and of a small build, barely making it to a height of 162cm and weight of 50kg. The only part where Eldarian people are notably different from Earthlings is their ears (see references). Èstehel has long hair that is as white as snow -however it is rumoured it used to be of a rich chestnut brown once upon a time- which he wears in a long ponytail (see references). His eyes appear to be of an almost transparent, pale, bright green or azure hue, and although cold they appear to hide a long-forgotten, deep-rooted melancholy in them. I wish to mostly give artistic freedom over his outfit, although I would like to request for white to be a dominant color, preferably tied up with desaturated, faded colors instead of bright, brilliant ones. The idea stuck to me ever since I first played Kingdom Hearts 2; all (lesser, at least) Nobodies were white save for the Organization in their black uniforms... and I couldn't help but wonder why. I would also like to request that it's something that looks warm?
His weapon of choice is an earthian-made katana named Shira Kujaku (white peacock) and his element of affiliation is ice -stemming from his mastery of the Wind and Water elemental symbols.
Personality: Èstehel begins and ends his days with a smile. No, it's not that he is happy all the time, or that his face froze in that particular expression and it won't change, no. It's somewhat of a ritual, smillng to himself when no one is there to see him smile; almost as if trying to hold on to something like this will bring his heart back. As if... As for the rest of his moments, with himself or with others, Èstehel passes by as a rather kind individual. He is somewhat cold and mostly distant but has a subtle, gentle, soothing quality about him, like fresh-fallen snow. Snow aside, however, this softness may dissapear almost magically when he prepares to fight, the gentle snowfall turning into a rampaging snowstorm almost on the spot.
At the current point in his life, Èstehel relishes his solitude, accepting it as something inevitable as he can't shake a dominating feeling of loneliness even when he is alone. The weirdest part is that there isn't even a proper feeling there anymore, just the recollection of something that might have been but isn't at present. In an attempt to fill up the void he will often resort into building things with his hands since the process calms him down considerably. Folding origami is also a favourite of his, due to the same reason as above.
Bio: Like most of the last people of his kind, Èstehel was genetically-created; seeing how atmospheric conditions on Eldar were not suitable to support reproduction which was then enhanced by genetic engineering. His childhood was mostly spent in studying engineering aside his foster father as well as symbology under his mother's sister's sister who was famous for her mastery of both elemental as well as supportive symbols. Unlike her Èstehel turned up to be more adept only in elemental symbology, although he could also use a few healing symbols to a lesser extent.
There is little of significant importance to mention about Èstehel's early years; for, regardless of his childhood and the feats he achieved as he made his first few, uncertain steps through puberty, it was only bound to end in but a single way; Eldar's demise. The slowly dying, ever expanding star would completely obliterate his home planet in S.D. 12, the evacuating fleet subsequently attacked by swarms of Phantoms on its way to safety. Losing all hope as he came face to face with disaster he wished for anything but death, and by this silent desire his fate was sealed.
As a matter of fact Èstehel did outlive the great escape, becoming one of the few remnants of his race to survive. However his 'triumph' over death was sort-lived as the remaining Eldarian ships prepared to launch a co-ordinated attack with the Earthlings on the root of all disaster, Nox Obscuris. However, Èstehel wouldn't participate in the battle, as he was called for his- however limited- healing abilities, along with everyone else who had knowledge of the short. There were too many wounded soldiers to treat and the personnel was far too limited.
And fate so had it that Èstehel would spend the last remaining hours to the assault at the side of an Earthling; a man who managed to place the whole world in his hands for but a brief moment, then cruelly take it back all the same, casting him away and sealing his mind and heart to his words. Time and pain, -washed out remnants of both still lingering- have casted the man's name, even his face into oblivion, leaving behind only the dark, cold void that Èstehel's existence has deteriorated to.
During what little time they spent together that man managed to talk about everything that was important to him. Values, memories, the life he left behind when he left Earth... and he spoke of knowledge, knowledge that one can't gain by any other means but experience. And when he was done he had Èstehel talk about his own life, his own achievements. And everything was fine... until Èstehel came to the point he made his wish to stay alive, or rather the lack to the question why that the man stated right afterwards. Because under the man's sad gaze he came to realize just how empty he was at that moment; his soul barren, the heart beating in his chest circulating nothing but cold blood through his veins.
The ship he was aboard perished in the struggle that followed. A few small ships prepared for evacuation managed to launch, Èstehel's being one of them. As he drifted through space, destination unknown, the only thing he could think and feel was that he was alone in the deafening silence of the ever-expanding embroidery of stars before him. His heart ached, his soul ached, and he was all alone. He remembered crying himself to sleep... right before everything went numb.
Character References:
Eldarian ears: [x] [x]
Hairstyle: I'm imagining something in that fashion [x] [x]
Anything else.: nothing I can think of right now.
Character Name: Èstehel P. Claudnyne (if it is too large to fit on the cert, which it probably is, feel free to only include 'Claudnyne' since that's what he's usually called)
Gender: male
Age: twenty
Character Title: Lone Treader
Home World: Eldar (planet from the Star Ocean universe)
Growing or none: Non-growing/Expert
Keybearer or Nobody: Nobody
Sub Class: custom class: Symbologist (that's the equivalent of a mage in Star Ocean)
If Full Custom: Èstehel is a young man of average height and of a small build, barely making it to a height of 162cm and weight of 50kg. The only part where Eldarian people are notably different from Earthlings is their ears (see references). Èstehel has long hair that is as white as snow -however it is rumoured it used to be of a rich chestnut brown once upon a time- which he wears in a long ponytail (see references). His eyes appear to be of an almost transparent, pale, bright green or azure hue, and although cold they appear to hide a long-forgotten, deep-rooted melancholy in them. I wish to mostly give artistic freedom over his outfit, although I would like to request for white to be a dominant color, preferably tied up with desaturated, faded colors instead of bright, brilliant ones. The idea stuck to me ever since I first played Kingdom Hearts 2; all (lesser, at least) Nobodies were white save for the Organization in their black uniforms... and I couldn't help but wonder why. I would also like to request that it's something that looks warm?
His weapon of choice is an earthian-made katana named Shira Kujaku (white peacock) and his element of affiliation is ice -stemming from his mastery of the Wind and Water elemental symbols.
Personality: Èstehel begins and ends his days with a smile. No, it's not that he is happy all the time, or that his face froze in that particular expression and it won't change, no. It's somewhat of a ritual, smillng to himself when no one is there to see him smile; almost as if trying to hold on to something like this will bring his heart back. As if... As for the rest of his moments, with himself or with others, Èstehel passes by as a rather kind individual. He is somewhat cold and mostly distant but has a subtle, gentle, soothing quality about him, like fresh-fallen snow. Snow aside, however, this softness may dissapear almost magically when he prepares to fight, the gentle snowfall turning into a rampaging snowstorm almost on the spot.
At the current point in his life, Èstehel relishes his solitude, accepting it as something inevitable as he can't shake a dominating feeling of loneliness even when he is alone. The weirdest part is that there isn't even a proper feeling there anymore, just the recollection of something that might have been but isn't at present. In an attempt to fill up the void he will often resort into building things with his hands since the process calms him down considerably. Folding origami is also a favourite of his, due to the same reason as above.
Bio: Like most of the last people of his kind, Èstehel was genetically-created; seeing how atmospheric conditions on Eldar were not suitable to support reproduction which was then enhanced by genetic engineering. His childhood was mostly spent in studying engineering aside his foster father as well as symbology under his mother's sister's sister who was famous for her mastery of both elemental as well as supportive symbols. Unlike her Èstehel turned up to be more adept only in elemental symbology, although he could also use a few healing symbols to a lesser extent.
There is little of significant importance to mention about Èstehel's early years; for, regardless of his childhood and the feats he achieved as he made his first few, uncertain steps through puberty, it was only bound to end in but a single way; Eldar's demise. The slowly dying, ever expanding star would completely obliterate his home planet in S.D. 12, the evacuating fleet subsequently attacked by swarms of Phantoms on its way to safety. Losing all hope as he came face to face with disaster he wished for anything but death, and by this silent desire his fate was sealed.
As a matter of fact Èstehel did outlive the great escape, becoming one of the few remnants of his race to survive. However his 'triumph' over death was sort-lived as the remaining Eldarian ships prepared to launch a co-ordinated attack with the Earthlings on the root of all disaster, Nox Obscuris. However, Èstehel wouldn't participate in the battle, as he was called for his- however limited- healing abilities, along with everyone else who had knowledge of the short. There were too many wounded soldiers to treat and the personnel was far too limited.
And fate so had it that Èstehel would spend the last remaining hours to the assault at the side of an Earthling; a man who managed to place the whole world in his hands for but a brief moment, then cruelly take it back all the same, casting him away and sealing his mind and heart to his words. Time and pain, -washed out remnants of both still lingering- have casted the man's name, even his face into oblivion, leaving behind only the dark, cold void that Èstehel's existence has deteriorated to.
During what little time they spent together that man managed to talk about everything that was important to him. Values, memories, the life he left behind when he left Earth... and he spoke of knowledge, knowledge that one can't gain by any other means but experience. And when he was done he had Èstehel talk about his own life, his own achievements. And everything was fine... until Èstehel came to the point he made his wish to stay alive, or rather the lack to the question why that the man stated right afterwards. Because under the man's sad gaze he came to realize just how empty he was at that moment; his soul barren, the heart beating in his chest circulating nothing but cold blood through his veins.
The ship he was aboard perished in the struggle that followed. A few small ships prepared for evacuation managed to launch, Èstehel's being one of them. As he drifted through space, destination unknown, the only thing he could think and feel was that he was alone in the deafening silence of the ever-expanding embroidery of stars before him. His heart ached, his soul ached, and he was all alone. He remembered crying himself to sleep... right before everything went numb.
Character References:
Eldarian ears: [x] [x]
Hairstyle: I'm imagining something in that fashion [x] [x]
Anything else.: nothing I can think of right now.