--------> Current Riddle - Gem's Riddle <-------- Moving slowly creeping higher crystal lattice never tired
Eating always, simple holder but beauteous design
Guesses from 16698 - 16702
Clues: "No it is not a specific name."
The riddle has nothing to do with supersaturation.
0 - 9 -
A - Amethysts, Anarchy, Antarctica, Apathy, Arctic (the), Armonica, Artica, Atoms, Aurora Borealis
B - Black Hole, Blob (the), Bubbles, Butterfly
C - Caterpillar, Champagne Tower, Children, Chorl, Chrysalis, Clay (sculpting), Clouds, Cocoon, Cookies, Coral, Crystals
D – DNA, Diamonds, Diatom, Dipper (Big, Little) E - Emeralds
F – Fat (also the condensation of), Fires, Flowers, Fog, Frost (Jack)
G - Geodes, Global Warming
H - Hunger
I - Ice, Industrialism, Iron, Ivy
J -
K - Kaleidoscope, Kittens
L – Limestone, Love M - Matter, Mask, Mist, Molecules
N - Niater, Night
O - Ocean
P - Poetry, Pokemon Crystal, Prism, Plague, Progress, Proteins
Q - Quarts, Quartz
R - Rain, Rainbow, Regice, Rubies
S – Sableye, Salt, Sapphires, Shoe, Sky, Sloth (Sloth made of gems), Smoke, Snowflake, Snow Queen, Space, Spider (web), Stalactites, Stalagmites, Stars, Steam, Sugar, Suicune
T - Tears, Time, Topaz, Tourmaline
U -
V - Vine, Virus
W – Warts, Water, White Witch
X - Xenophobia
Y -
Z -
Uncategorised - 'Some sort of rock'
Geek of the Rings · Tue Jan 04, 2011 @ 08:24pm · 0 Comments |