Roleplay Information
Nowadays, this is just so i can remember where things are when i'm doing demonic power related stuff.
You enter the thread through a massive standalone arch, which is appears to be alien in origin. Along the inside of the arch, you see the first posts of the thread, including this one, which you are reading right now. Entering 10,000,000, whether through the arch or not, allows you to be in the same timezone as everyone, so you can talk freely to people who would otherwise be on the other side of the world. When you exit 10,000,000, you end up back in your timezone, so you can do what is needed offline.
On top of the arch, viewable on both sides, is a large digital sign containing the title of the thread. Usually it stays the same, but it changes at times, so pay attention to it when i am not posting.
After coming through the arch, you see the other areas of the thread.
1: A few dozen feet in front of you, you find a massive pavilion area, the main part of 10,000,000. It has some tables and chairs, but is mostly open space dotted with trees and some open air structures for shelter from rain. You can also order food and drinks, and they will be delivered quickly from offthread locations.
2: A few hundred feet to the right, and stretching as far as the eye can see, is the edge of a cliff, which extends several hundred feet down, and just recently had about a hundred feet of it lined with fences and warnings. No jumping off allowed, unless you can fly.
3: A few hundred feet to the left, follow some signs, and you will reach a massive lake. It has a dock that you can fish off of, and any member can go there for a swim. No boating is allowed, due to a peaceful, friendly, telepathic creature that inhabits the lake. Litter in the lake is absolutely forbidden.
4: A few thousand feet behind the pavilion area, there is a massive forest, likely several thousand acres in area. The forest is medium density for most of the explored area, but may get thicker a few thousand feet in.
5: A few dozen feet past the pavilion area, along the way to the forest, is a small covered stage, with several dozen seats, wired for electricity. Can be used by anyone for performances, no advanced notice needed. Mostly used by the Gate Band (all the members are gate accounts) for small concerts.
6: Several dozen feet to the left of the stage is the area where i land my death glider (the Goa'uld fighter craft i use to fly up and back from Gatemansgc's ha'tak). Stay away from there, please.
7: Large areas of the thread are undescribed and undeveloped. What do people want? The areas can be added in easily. We're a huge place, we can fit what we want.
comics! by shans

  domokun stargate
10Mil_Peace · Thu Sep 09, 2010 @ 09:00pm · 1 Comments |