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Yesterday Some strange things have been happening lately so , I'm gonna post everything that happens, well all the werid/funny stuff anyway... xD

Community Member

I didnt know my grandma was such an ASIAN hater until her asian boyfriend broke up with her and caught something.

For three years ive been looking for ways to learn Japanese!

And My gran was learning with me.

Ichi Ni san shi go roku nana hachi jyu kyu

"So anyway this isnt working out and i've kinda been cheating on you..."

It broke my grandma's hearts, so anything to do with Asia or an asian culture made her upset.

I cant even read manga book in safety!

I am partal filipino.

and now she says, "Stop telling people your filipino, dont claim those people!"

I hide under the sink just to watch anime, "Kiki! Kiki!" she would boom.

I come out of hiding, "Where were you?!"

"I was hiding under the sink--- I mean getting something to drink"

I am asian an no one not even my gran can tell me what I am.


Gotta go-!

(Asian out!) Seriously!